ActiveModule and ActiveDialogName properties

You can use the ActiveModule and ActiveDialogName properties to obtain information about the active module and dialog box.

Note: They are not available for use when writing advanced workflow scripts.

ActiveModule Property

The ActiveModule property returns the name of the active ALM module.

The following values can be returned:

  • Dashboard

  • Releases

  • Requirements

  • Test Plan

  • Test Lab

  • Test Runs

  • Defects

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ActiveDialogName Property

The ActiveDialogName property returns the name of the active dialog box.

The following values can be returned:

  • New Bug. Pops up when you create a defect.

  • Bug Details. Pops up when you open a defect.

  • New Req. Pops up when you create a requirement.

  • Req Details. Pops up when you open a requirement.

  • New Test. Pops up when you create a test.

  • New TestFolder. Pops up when you create a test folder.

  • New TestSet. Pops up when you create a test set.

  • New TestSetFolder. Pops up when you create a test set folder.

  • TestSetTest Details. Pops up when you open a test.

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