Available components for reuse

You can reuse an existing component in the project, instead of using the newly-learned component.

In this topic:


When BPT Packaged Apps Kit learns a flow, it analyzes the learned components to see if there exists within the project one or more components that are similar to, or identical to, the learned components. If such a component exists, BPT Packaged Apps Kit enables you to reuse the existing component instead of creating a new component in your flow.

Only components in the project that were created through the Learn Flow process are analyzed for similarity with the learned component. If components are similar to the learned component, it can be reused, and a new learned component is not created.

Note: A component that is substituted with a reused component is not listed in the flow folder of the Business Components module. A flow folder is not created in the Business Components module for flows that use only reused components. To find the location of a reused component, right-click the component in the Test Script tab of the Test Plan module and select Go to Component. The Business Component module opens and displays the selected component.

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Criteria for comparison

Existing learned components in the project are compared to the learned component using the following criteria:

  1. Both components represent the same screen.
  2. Both components represent the same screen with exactly the same objects. Checkpoints and Output objects must also be identical for this criterion to match.
  3. Both components contain the same steps. Steps are considered identical when they perform the same action, and refer to the same objects.
  4. Both components contain the same steps in the same order.

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Percentage similarity

Percentages indicate the degree to which the existing component is similar to the learned component.

Percentage similarity is defined as follows, based on the criteria specified in Criteria for comparison :

Percentage Definition


All four criteria are met.


Criteria 1, 2, and 3 are met.


Criteria 1 and 2, or 1 and 3, are met.


Criterion 1 is met.

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Other factors

The following entities also determine if the currently-learned component can be substituted with an existing learned component:

Entity Similarity

Checkpoints and Output objects

Are considered identical when they refer to the same properties.

Steps that reference table parameters

Are considered identical when they reference the same table object and use the Input operation. The structure of the table parameter (columns, rows) and the contents of individual cells within the tables are not compared.

Steps that reference methods

Are considered identical when they refer to the same objects and methods, have the same comments, and contain the same number of arguments. The values of the arguments are not compared.

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Reuse components

In the Learn Summary dialog box, select a component and click the Available Components for Reuse tab. The Available Components for Reuse dialog box enables you to reuse an existing component in the project, instead of using the newly-learned component.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Available Components area

Lists components in the project that are identical to, or similar to, the learned component. Percentages indicate the degree to which the existing component is similar to the learned component.

General area

Displays general information about the selected component.

Similarity Criteria area

The criteria by which the existing component is found to be similar to the learned component. A check mark next to the criterion indicates that the criterion was met.

Steps tab

Displays the steps in the component selected in the Available Components area.

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See also: