Work with UFT Developer automation

This section describes methods for automating components with UFT Developer implementation.


UFT Developer automation overview

UFT Developer automated components are reusable modules that perform a specific task when testing your application. This implementation can be viewed and edited both in OpenText Application Quality Management and in UFT Developer.

OpenText Functional Testing for Developers is a powerful and lightweight functional testing solution built specifically for continuous testing and continuous integration. By supporting the most common AUT technologies and integrating with standard IDEs, UFT Developer brings a new level of productivity and collaboration to your Agile and DevOps testing teams.

OpenText Functional Testing for Developers tests and components using Business Process Testing is supported. You can create OpenText Functional Testing for Developers tests and use all the standard tracking and traceability features to manage them.

You can import tests and components from UFT Developer and also initiate runs of UFT Developer tests and components from within OpenText Application Quality Management.

You can create OpenText Functional Testing for Developers tests or business components automatically by importing test methods defined in your NUnit or JUnit project.

Alternatively, you can create each UFT Developer test or business component manually within OpenText Application Quality Management.

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Manually add UFT Developer automation to a component

You can manually add OpenText Functional Testing for Developers automation to business components.

To manually add OpenText Functional Testing for Developers automation to a business component:

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Make sure UFT Developer is installed.

    • To be able to debug or run automated UFT Developer components, or view test results, make sure that UFT Developer 12.53 or later is installed. 

  2. Select a component.

    In the Business Components module window, select a component in the component tree.

  3. Add UFT Developer implementation.

    In the Automation tab, click Add Automation and select UFT Developer. Enter the implementation details, and then the following UFT Developer details.

    UI Element



    JUnit or NUnit.

    DLL/JAR Path The path of the .dll or .jar file containing your test, depending on the framework (NUnit or JUnit). You can specify either a full file path or a relative path.
    Fully Qualified Class Name

    The full name of your class including the namespace (NUnit) or package (JUnit).


    com.micro_focus.UFT Developer.end2endtest.myJavaApp
    Test Method Name The name of the test method that this OpenText Application Quality Management test will run.
  4. Parameterize components.

    To expand the scope of your UFT Developer business components, use variable input and output parameter values components. For details, see Create parameters.

  5. Results.

    • The UFT Developer automation of the component is complete.

    • The icon for the component changes from the manual icon to the UFT Developer icon. For icon details, see Business Process Testing Icons.

    • Tests and flows that contain fully automated UFT Developer components can run in an automatic runner without pausing for user input.

      • To run business process tests, add the components to a business process tests.

      • Add the tests to a test set and run as you would any other test.

      • The tests run on the UFT Developer machine.

      • When you run a UFT Developer test from the Test Lab module, the UFT Developer HTML report is stored in ALM.

    • For details, see Run business process tests and flows.

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Automatically import UFT Developer automation to a component

The import tool enables you to automatically create tests or components for every test method defined in a UFT Developer NUnit or JUnit project, including setting up the relevant parameters.

To import OpenText Functional Testing for Developers automation to a business component:

  1. Prerequisites:

    On your UFT Developer computer: 

    1. Create a UFT Developer NUnit or JUnit project containing one or more test methods. These test methods can be defined in a single .cs or .java file or in multiple files within the project.

      The test methods can include Business Process Testing input or output parameters. For more details on data driving your ALM tests and components, see the UFT Developer Help Center.

    2. Compile the DLL or export the JAR.

    3. Run the relevant export tool command line utility, found in the <UFT Developer installation>\Tools\TestExportTool folder.

  2. Import components.

    In the Business Process Testing Business Components module in OpenText Application Quality Management, run the import:

    1. Right-click the folder where you want to add your components and click Import UFT Developer Components .

    2. In the Import UFT Developer Components browse dialog box, select the XML file generated with the export utility in UFT Developer and click Open.

      The Import UFT Developer Components dialog box displays the tests it found in the XML file.

    3. Select the components to import and click Import. Then click Close.

      Tip: You can also click Export to File.

    The import automatically creates new components with UFT Developer automation in the selected folder. All required fields are automatically set in the Automation tab, and all input and output parameters are defined in the corresponding Parameters tab.

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See also: