Checkpoint Properties Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to view and edit checkpoints added to your keyword GUI automated component, and accept or modify the property values of the checkpoint.

To access
  1. In the Business Components module, select a component with Keyword GUI automation. Make sure the Keyword GUI automation contains a checkpoint step (created in OpenText Functional Testing).

  2. Click the Automation tab.

  3. Click Checkpoint Properties in the Value cell of a checkpoint step.

Relevant tasks

Work with keyword GUI automation

See also
  • OpenText Functional Testing help

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element Description
Name The name assigned to the checkpoint.

The property name, and an icon indicating the expected value type of the property.

  • The icon indicates that the value of the property is currently a constant.
  • The icon indicates that the value of the property is currently a local parameter.
  • The icon indicates that the value of the property is currently a component parameter.
<check box>

You can accept the selected checks or modify them accordingly.

  • To check a property, select the corresponding check box.
  • To exclude a property check, clear the corresponding check box.
Browse. Opens the Parameterization / Properties dialog box, which enables you to set the expected property value as a Constant or a Parameter. For user interface details, see Parameterization / Properties Dialog Box.