Manage host locations

This section describes how to manage the locations of testing hosts used for running server-side functional and performance tests in OpenText Application Quality Management Lab Management.

In this topic:

Note: Cloud locations are created automatically when a new cloud account is added to OpenText Application Quality Management. Cloud locations are read-only.

Add or modify a host location

You can organize your testing hosts according to location by creating a host location entity in the Locations module.

To add or modify a host location:

  1. Log in to Lab Management.

  2. Go to Lab Resources > Locations.

  3. Click the New Host Location button . Provide the following information and click OK.

    Field Description
    Location Name The name of the host location. The name should have a logical connection to the host location.
    Over Firewall Whether or not the host location is over a firewall.
    Description A description of the location.
    Location ID

    The ID of the location.

    System generated and read-only.

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Assign a host location to a host

This task describes how to assign a host location.

To assign a location to a host:

  1. Go to Lab Resources > Hosts.

  2. Select a testing host in the grid, and click the Testing Host Details button .

  3. In the Testing Host Dialog Box, select your location in the Location field.

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