Lab Management project settings
The Lab Management > Project Settings module lists all projects that have the Lab extension enabled, known as Lab Management projects. It enables you to view and edit the project settings.
Project settings overview
The Project Settings module enables you to view and edit the settings of a Lab Management project, including:
General project details
Timeslot settings for the project
Changes made to the project
Configure Lab Management project settings
You view and edit the settings of a Lab Management project as follows:
Log in to Lab Management from the qcbin page.
On the sidebar, select Lab Settings > Project Settings.
From the projects gird, select the target project.
To edit the general details, click the Details tab.
AUT Pool The AUT host pool of the project.
Build Verification Suite Auto-Extend Duration The number of minutes by which a build verification suite timeslot is automatically extended if the initial timeslot is not long enough. Requires that Automatically Extend Timeslot is enabled for the timeslot and requires that the appropriate testing resources are available to extend the timeslot.
CDA Domain The domain of the CDA server.
CDA Server The name of the CDA server assigned to the project.
For details about CDA servers, see Create and configure CDA servers.
Concurrent Run Limit The maximum number of concurrent test runs allowed within a project.
Diagnostics Server The Diagnostics Server defined for the project.
Domain Name The domain in which the project was created.
Functional Test Auto-Extend Duration The number of minutes by which a functional test timeslot is automatically extended if the initial timeslot is not long enough.
Requires that Automatically Extend Timeslot is enabled for the timeslot and requires that the appropriate testing resources are available to extend the timeslot.
Host Limit The total number of hosts (Controller + load generators) reserved for a timeslot may not exceed this limit.
ID The project's ID.
Maximum Times to Automatically Extend Timeslot The maximum number of times that a timeslot can be automatically extended if the initial timeslot is not long enough for the BVS or functional test set to complete. Pool The project's host pool.
Project The name of the project.
Project Full Name Domain and project name of the project. VUDs Consumed The number of VUDs consumed by the project.
VUDs Limit The maximum number of VUDs available to the project.
VuGen Working Mode The mode to use to upload scripts from VuGen:
Runtime Files. Uploads only the necessary files to replay the script correctly.
User Defined. Uploads any available files including thumbnail images.
Vuser Limit The maximum number of Vusers a project can run at once. The total number used by all of the project's concurrent performance tests must not exceed this limit.
To edit the timeslot settings, click the Timeslots Settings tab.
UI Elements
Send Alerts To The users who should receive a timeslot alert:
Timeslot creator. The user who reserved the timeslot.
Timeslot modifier. The user who last modified the timeslot.
Project administrators. Administrators of the project in which the timeslot was reserved.
Rules for Alerts The conditions under which timeslot alerts are sent (both conditions must hold):
Send alerts for timeslots scheduled to start in the next <xx> hours. Sends an alert when a timeslot is <xx> hours within its due time to start.
Default value: 72 hours
Minimum value: 12 hours
Send alert if timeslot is in failure state for at least <xx> minutes. Sends an alert when the timeslot has been invalid for <xx> minutes.
Default value: 30 minutes
Maximum value: 360 minutes (6 hours)
Autostart Retries If a performance test linked to a timeslot is scheduled to autostart but does not start running, the system continues to try to autostart the test until it starts running successfully.
The Autostart Retries option enables you to specify when the system should stop trying to autostart the test. In any event, retries are stopped if there are 30 minutes or less left of the timeslot.
Default value: 50%, that is, the system stops retries when half the timeslot has elapsed.
Maximum value: 99%; Minimum value: 1%
Note: The system tries to restart a performance test up to three times.
To view the changes made to the project, click the History tab.
For details, see Display project data.