Create requirements

This task describes how to define and update your requirements in the Requirements module. After you have created a requirements tree, you can use the requirements as a basis for defining the tests in your test plan tree.

In this topic:

Overview of requirements creation

Requirements are recorded in the Requirements module by creating a requirements tree. The requirements tree is a graphical representation of your requirements specification, displaying the hierarchical relationship between different requirements. The tree includes different groups of requirements based either on requirement type or functional area.

For each requirement group, you create a list of detailed requirements in the requirements tree. Each requirement in the tree is described in detail and can include any relevant links and attachments.

After creating a requirements tree, the requirements can be used as a basis for defining tests in your test plan tree.

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Create requirements

You can create requirements, import requirements from Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel, and convert requirements to tests.

To create requirements:

  1. On the OpenText Application Quality Management sidebar, under Requirements, select Requirements. In the View menu, select Requirements Tree.

  2. Click the Requirements root folder and select New Folder. To create a sub-folder, click a folder and select New Folder. In the New Requirement Folder dialog box, enter a folder name.

  3. Right-click a requirement folder and select New Requirement. To create a sub-requirement, right-click a requirement and select New Requirement.

    UI Element



    Type a name for the new requirement.

    Syntax exceptions: A requirement name cannot include the following characters: \ ^ *

    Requirement Type

    Select a requirement type.

    Available options are:

    • Business. A business process requirement. By default, you cannot add coverage to this requirement.

    • Folder. A folder for organizing requirements. By default, you cannot add coverage to this requirement.

    • Functional. A system behavioral requirement.

    • Group. A collection of related requirements.

    • Testing. A system performance requirement.

    • Business Model. A requirement representing a business process model entity.

    • Undefined. An undefined requirement.

    You can customize the default types and create your own requirement types. For details on customizing requirement types, see Customize requirement types.


    Required fields are displayed in red.

    Rich Text

    Enables you to add, view, and edit rich text using an HTML editor from within OpenText Application Quality Management.

    Note: Changes you make to the rich text for a requirement are saved automatically when you move to a different requirement or a different module.


    Enables you to add attachments for the currently selected requirement. For details, Work with attachments.

  4. Click Submit.

To import requirements:

In addition to creating requirements directly in OpenText Application Quality Management, you can also import requirements to your OpenText Application Quality Management project from Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. To import requirements, you must first install the appropriate add-in. For details, see Microsoft Excel add-in and Microsoft Word add-in.

To convert requirements to tests:

To assist you in establishing a test plan tree in the Test Plan module, you can use your requirements as a basis for defining your tests. You can reuse your requirements and convert them to the following entities in your test plan tree: test subjects, tests, test steps, or step descriptions. Coverage is automatically created between the requirements and their corresponding tests.

Note: By default, you cannot convert the requirements of the Business, Folder, or Group requirement type to tests.

To enable you to convert, you must enable test coverage for these requirement types. For details, see Customize requirement types.

To convert requirements to test subjects, tests, test steps, or step descriptions:

  1. Right-click a requirement or folder and select Convert to Tests to open the wizard.

    To convert all requirements, right-click the root requirement folder in the requirements tree and select Convert to Tests.

  2. In the Select Automatic Conversion Method step, select an automatic conversion method, and click Next.



    Convert lowest child requirements to design steps

    Converts all lowest level child requirements to design steps, the next level up to tests, and all levels above to subjects.

    Convert lowest child requirements to tests

    Converts all lowest level child requirements to tests and all levels above to subjects.

    Convert all requirements to subjects

    Converts all selected requirements to subjects in the Test Plan module.

    Generate Single Test Converts requirements to tests in specified subjects in the test plan tree.
    Add Test to Test Set This option is activated when Generate Single Test is selected. Adds the tests to specified test sets in the Test Lab module.
    Keep current Requirements filter This option is activated when the requirements are filtered. Keeps the current filter for the requirements. Only filtered requirements are converted.
  3. In the Manual Change Conversion step, manually set requirements to subjects in the test plan tree, tests, test steps, or step descriptions. You can also choose to exclude requirements from the conversion process.

    UI Element


    Auto Complete Children

    Changes the level of the children of the selected parent. For example, if you change the level of a parent from a subject to a test, the wizard changes the level of all the children from tests to test steps.


    Provides a legend for this wizard page.

    Convert to Subject. Changes the selected item to a subject in the test plan tree. Children can then be either subjects or tests. Subject names must be unique.

    Convert to Test. Changes the selected item to a test in the test plan tree. Children are then converted to steps. Test names must be unique.

    Convert to Step. Changes the selected item to a step in the test plan tree. Children are then converted to step descriptions.

    Convert to Description. Changes the selected item to a step description in the test plan tree. Children are then converted to indented description text.

    Exclude from Conversion. Excludes the selected item from the test plan tree. Children are also excluded.

    Verify Children. Changes the type of the child node according to the type of the parent node. For example, if the parent is a test, the children are converted to steps.

    If you are canceling before starting the conversion process, the wizard closes.

    If you are canceling after starting the conversion process, Click the Stop button in the progress bar.

  4. In the Select Destination Path step, define the destination subject path in the test plan tree.

    UI Element


    Destination Subject Path

    Sets the destination subject path in the Test Plan module.

    Default value: The subject folder and tests are placed in the Subject folder of the Test Plan module.

    Test Status

    This field is visible when Generate Single Test is selected in the Select Automatic Conversion Method step. Sets the test status for the generated test.

    Default value: Design

    Add to Test Set

    This field is visible when Add Test to Test Set is selected in the Select Automatic Conversion Method step. Adds the test to a test set in the Test Lab module.

    Test Set. Select the test set in the Test Lab module.

  5. Click Finish to start the conversion process.

    When the conversion process ends, click OK. The page displays errors generated while converting the requirements.

    Note: If you stop the conversion process, any requirements already converted are not deleted from the test plan tree. You must delete them manually.

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See also: