Import Library Wizard

This wizard enables you to import a library to share and reuse an existing set of entities. You import a library by selecting a baseline in another library from which to import. You can import a library from the same project or from a different project.

To access

In the Libraries module, right-click a library folder and select Import Library.

Important information
  • Importing libraries requires appropriate user permissions, including: Import library, Capture baseline, and Create and Update permissions for the entity types you are importing. For details on user permissions, refer to the the help: .

  • After you import a library, a baseline is automatically created for the new library in your project. This baseline is the basis for comparing the libraries at any point in time and should not be deleted.

  • Editions: Imported libraries functionality is available for the ALM edition and OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering Edition. For information about editions and their functionality, seeEditions and lifecycle. To find out which edition you are using, ask your site administrator.

Relevant tasks

Share Libraries

Wizard map

This wizard contains:

Select a Baseline Page > Library Verification Page > Select Target Root Folders Page

See also