Libraries Module Fields

This section describes the Libraries module fields.

To access

On the OpenText Application Quality Management sidebar, under Management, select Libraries.

Important information
  • You can add user-defined fields and change the label of any of the fields in the Details tab. You can also customize project lists. For details, refer to the the help: Customize project entities and Customize field lists.

  • You can use the Script Editor to restrict and dynamically change the fields and values in the Libraries module. For details, see Create and edit workflow scripts using Script Editor.

  • Editions: Quality Center Enterprise Edition does not include all Libraries module functionality. For information about editions and their functionality, seeEditions and lifecycle. To find out which edition you are using, ask your site administrator.

Tip To zoom in and out on memo type fields, hold down the Ctrl key and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Or, hold down the Ctrl key and use the + and - keys to zoom in and out.
Relevant tasks

How to Use Libraries and Baselines

See also

Libraries Overview

The fields are described below:

UI Element



The folder, library, or baseline name.

Baseline ID

A unique numeric ID for the baseline that OpenText Application Quality Management assigns automatically.

Created By

The user name of the person who created the library or baseline.

Creation Date

The date on which the library or baseline was created.


The date and time on which the baseline was last renamed or the description was changed.

Library ID

A unique numeric ID for the library that OpenText Application Quality Management assigns automatically.


A description of the library folder, library, or baseline.

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