Test Combinations Generator
This dialog box enables Business Process Testing users to use the Test Combinations Generator to generate test configurations. This enabling users to create a larger variety of test configuration data sets. These test configurations can be used to test a wider variety of scenarios for applications.
To access |
Important information |
Relevant tasks |
User interface elements are described below:
Parameter Values
UI Element |
Description |
<Parameter values grid> |
A grid for entering parameter values manually. |
A panel for specifying how Business Process Testing should generate parameters for the configuration. Enter values for these fields:
Generate | Available in the GENERATE PARAMETERS pane. Creates the parameter value combinations and displays them in the grid to the left. |
Add selected values to: |
Determine whether the selected values are expected to cause an exception or error.
Available after: Clicking Generate in the GENERATE PARAMETERS pane. |
IMPORT | Optionally click IMPORT to import values from a Business Process Testing data table resource created previously in either OpenText Application Quality Management or OpenText Functional Testing. The Import Test Configuration Generator Settings dialog box is displayed, enabling you to navigate to a location and select a data table to import. |
EXPORT | Optionally click EXPORT to create Business Process Testing data table resource based on the current parameter values for use at a different time. The Export Test Configuration Generator Settings dialog box is displayed, enabling you to navigate to a location and name the exported data table. |
VIEW COMBINATIONS | Advance to the next phase in the generation process: Viewing combinations. |
UI Element |
Description |
CONFIGURATION NAME | Name for the test configuration. |
PERMUTATIONS | The combinations that will be generated. Business Process Testing generates Number of entries permutations for each value in the Parameter values grid. The total number of permutations is listed at the bottom of the grid. |
ERROR PATHS | The list of combinations to generate that are designated for the error path. |
ALGORITHM | Generate different configurations depending on the selected combination algorithm (Linear, Pairwise, or Triplewise). Choose an algorithm for your testing needs. Business Process Testing updates the list of permutations accordingly. |
FILTER | Filter the generated combinations to see error paths or regular paths. Click Close when done. |
BACK TO PARAMETERS | Go back to the Parameter Values phase of the generation process. |
GENERATE | Generate test configurations. |