Export and import projects using ALM Robot
Using ALM Robot, you can export multiple ALM projects in parallel to your archive folder, and import multiple ALM projects in parallel from your archive folder to an ALM database.
In this topic:
Enable checksum for archived projects
If you want to ensure no modifications are made to archived projects during their transmission or storage, you can enable checksum for archived projects.
When checksum is enabled, ALM Robot performs the following checks when you export and import projects.
When you export a project, the project will be packaged in a .qcs file.
When you import an archived project, you can only import a .qcs file, and ALM Robot will verify if there are any modifications to the file. If the verification passes, you can import the project. If the verification fails, you cannot import the project because ALM Robot assumes the archived project has been modified.
To enable checksum for archived projects:
- Turn on the ENABLE_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM parameter. See ALM Site Parameters.
- Upload a certificate to ALM Robot. The certificate is used for checksum. See Upload a certificate.
Export projects
Follow the steps below to export projects using ALM Robot.
Note: ALM Robot does not support exporting Lab_Project.
In Site Administration, select Tools > ALM Robot.
Click Add Activity to open the wizard.
In the Activity Settings page of the wizard, define the following and click Next.
Activity Name Enter a name for your activity. Type Select Export. Archive Folder Read-only.
Indicates the projects to be selected will be exported to the [ARCHIVE_BASE_FOLDER]/archive/<domain name>/<project name> folder.
[ARCHIVE_BASE_FOLDER] depends on the value of the ARCHIVE_BASE_FOLDER site parameter. Make sure you set a value to the parameter and the ALM server has the read and write permissions to this folder. If the parameter is not set, the base repository path will be used.
For details about the parameter, see ALM Site Parameters.
In the Project Selection page, select the projects to export and click Next.
In the Project Settings page, define the following and click Next.
Customize export file name If you want to customize the export file name, select this option and enter the custom file name in the field below it.
If you do not select this option, the export file is named in the following format:
<project type>_<username>_<export date and time>
<project type> is either ST (for standard projects) or T (for template projects).
Override export file name if same exists When you use a custom export file name, this option controls whether or not the existing export file will be replaced with the new export file that has the same name. If you do not check this option, ALM Robot keeps both the new and existing export files.
In the Summary page, review the activity summary.
For details, see Summary.
Click Submit to start the validation process.
The export file is either a .qcp or a .qcs file, depending on whether or not you enabled checksum. For details, see Enable checksum for archived projects.
If the validation process is completed successfully, the activity begins processing. The dashboard window opens. For details, see Monitor ALM Robot activities.
If ALM Robot detects an error while validating the selected projects, fix the error and click Submit.
Import projects
Follow the steps below to import projects using ALM Robot.
Note: ALM Robot does not support importing Lab_Project.
In Site Administration, select Tools > ALM Robot.
Click Add Activity to open the wizard.
In the Activity Settings page of the wizard, define the following and click Next.
Activity Name Enter a name for your activity. Type Select Import. Archive Folder Read-only.
Indicates the projects to be selected will be imported to the [ARCHIVE_BASE_FOLDER]/archive/<domain name>/<project name> folder.
[ARCHIVE_BASE_FOLDER] depends on the value of the ARCHIVE_BASE_FOLDER site parameter. Make sure you set a value to the parameter and the ALM server has the read and write permissions to this folder. If the parameter is not set, the base repository path will be used.
For details about the parameter, see ALM Site Parameters.
Database Select a database to which the target projects will be imported.
If you select an Oracle database, specify the default tablespaces and temp tablespaces.
In the Project Selection page, select the projects to import and click Next.
Note the following for the project file names:
The project names are in the following format: <project type>_<username that exported the project>_<date and time when the project was exported>.
<project type> is either ST (for standard projects) or T (for template projects).
If a project has been exported multiple times, all its export files are listed. Select only one export file to import the project.
If you already disabled checksum of archived projects, both .qcp and .qcs project files are available for selection. If you enabled checksum, you can only select .qcs project files.
For details about selecting projects, see Project Selection.
In the Summary page, review the activity summary.
Click Submit to the validation process.
If you enable checksum, you can only import .qcs project files with intact signatures. For details, see Enable checksum for archived projects.
If the validation process is completed successfully, the activity begins processing. The dashboard window opens. See Monitor ALM Robot activities for details.
If ALM Robot detects an error while validating the selected projects, fix the error and click Submit.
See also: