TestFactory object

Manage tests, including adding and removing tests.

You get a TestFactory object from TDConnection.TestFactory.

Public methods

This object supports the following methods.

Method Description


Creates a new test.

For details, see AddItem.


Subtype corresponding to the given subtype ID.

Syntax: GetSubtype(subtypeId)


  • subtypeId. A string that represents the ID of the subtype.


Mails a list of items.

For details, see Mail.


Creates a list of tests according to the specified filter.

For details, see NewList.


Removes a test from the database. Removal takes place immediately, without a Post.

For details, see RemoveItem.


Gets an object managed by the factory by its key.

For details, see Item.

Public properties

This object supports the following properties.

Property R/W Type Description


R Array

The list of all available fields for the entity managed by the factory.


R Object

The TDFilter object for the factory. See TDFilter object.

When TS_SUBJECT is used as one of the filter fields, the subject is the full path to the test in the tree, including the root node.

Subtypes R Array List of subtypes supported by this entity.

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