TestFolderFactory object
Manage test folders.
Public methods
Method | Description |
AddItem |
Creates a new test folder. For details, see AddItem. |
NewList |
Creates a list of test folders according to the specified filter. For details, see NewList. |
RemoveItem |
Removes a test folder from the database. Removal takes place immediately, without a Post. For details, see RemoveItem. |
RemoveItemAndMoveTestsToUnattached |
Removes test folders and moves the tests of the test folders to the Unattached folder. Syntax: Parameters:
Item |
Gets an object managed by the factory by its key. For details, see Item. |
Public properties
Property | R/W | Type | Description |
Fields |
R | Array |
The list of all available fields for the entity managed by the factory. |
Filter |
R | Object |
The TDFilter object for the factory. See TDFilter object. |
Root | R | Object | Returns the root test folder labeled Subject. |