Design test steps
After adding tests to the test plan tree, you define test steps for each test to describe what a tester must perform to run a test. A test step includes the actions to perform on your application, the input to enter, and the expected results.
Add a test step to a test manually
Open the test.
You can click Filter in the test tree to find the target test. For details, see Filter records in Web Client.
In the Design Steps tab, click New Step and specify the following information:
UI Element Description Step Name The name of the step.
Default value: The sequential number of the design step. For example, it's Step 1 if you are adding a step to a test for the first time.
Double-click the column to edit the name.
Description Instructions for the tester to perform.
Double-click the column to specify the instructions.
Expected The expected result after the step instructions are performed.
Double-click the column to specify the expected result.
Attachment To add an attachment to the test step, click Attachments and select the file to attach.
To view all attachments of the test step, in the Attachments column, click the clip icon to open the attachment list where you can download and delete any attachments.
Copy and paste design steps
You can copy a design step and paste it within the same test or to another test in the same project.
To copy and paste a design step:
Select the test in which the design step is included, and click Copy.
Select the target test to which the design step is copied, and click Paste.
The copied design step is inserted above the selected step.
Call to test
If you call another test from within a test, you include all design steps of the called test in the target test.
Note: OpenText recommends that you call a template test. For details about template tests, see Mark a test as a template test.
Example: You can create a template test Login_Template that logs a user in when you start the application. You need to call this test at the beginning of each test. In some cases, you want to log in as a regular user while in others, you need to log in as the project administrator.
For this purpose, you can create two parameters, <<<user name>>> and <<<password>>>, and change the values according to the type of test that is calling Login_Template. If the most common login is a regular user, you can set the default values for the parameters to a regular user name and password.
To call a test:
Open the target test where you want to add design steps.
In the Design Steps tab, click Call to Test.
If there are already existing design steps, select the step below which you want to call a test and click Call to Test.
From the Select Test window, select the test you want to call.
If you want to call non-template tests, clear the Show Only Template Tests option.
Click OK.
A call to the selected test is inserted. The Step Name and Description column are auto-filled with a link named Call <name of the called test>. You can click the link to open the called test. When you run the target test, the design steps of the called test are listed accordingly.
If the called test includes parameters, the Description column is auto-filled with a link named Call <name of the called test> with the following parameters.
If the called test includes parameters, and some parameters are not assigned actual values, the Called Test Parameters dialog box opens. You can choose whether to assign actual values to these parameters.
For details, see Assign actual values to parameters.
Adjust step order
To adjust the order of a step, hover over the dots icon next to the step, and drag and drop the step to the target location.
See also: