Create and manage requirements

Define, manage, and track requirements at all stages of your project, from conception to delivery.

Note: If your project enables version control, you can only view requirements of the current checked-in version. You cannot create or edit requirements.

Requirements overview

Requirements describe in details what needs to be solved or achieved to meet the objectives of your application under development.

Clearly and correctly defining requirements at the front end of a project provides the following advantages:

  • Provides guidelines of what the priorities are to stakeholders.

  • Sets clear expectations among stakeholders.

  • Cuts waste and eliminates unnecessary expenditure.

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Create requirement folders

Before you create requirements, you create requirement folders to create a framework of high-level requirements.

Note: To create a requirement folder, you can also create a requirement of the Folder type.

Create a requirement folder

To create a new requirement folder:

  1. In Details view, select the folder under which you want to create the new folder.

  2. Click New folder (), and enter a name.

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder and select More Actions > New Folder.

Create a requirement folder by copy/cut

To create a requirement folder by copy/cut:

  1. In Details view, select the folder you want to copy or cut.

  2. Click Copy () or Cut ().

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder and select More Actions > Copy or Cut.

  3. Select the folder where you want to add the new folder, and click Paste ().

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder and select More Actions > Paste.

Rename a requirement folder

To rename a requirement folder:

  1. In Details view, hover over the folder you want to rename, and select More Actions > Rename.

  2. Enter the new name.

Delete a requirement folder

To delete a requirement folder:

  1. In Details view, select the requirement folder you want to delete and click Delete.

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder and select More Actions > Delete.

  2. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

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Create requirements

You can create requirements under any existing requirement folders, or create sub-requirements under any existing requirements.

To create a new requirement:

  1. In Details view, select the requirement folder or requirement under which you want to create the new requirement.

  2. Click New Requirement (), and enter the required information.

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder or requirement and select More Actions > New Requirement.

    Tip: You can also create a requirement by copying or cutting an existing requirement. To copy or cut a requirement, select the requirement, click Copy or Cut, select the requirement folder where you want to add the requirement, and click Paste.

    UI Element Description

    Enter a name for the new requirement.

    A requirement name cannot include the following characters: \ ^ *

    Requirement Type

    Select a requirement type.

    Available options are:

    • Business. A business process requirement. By default, you cannot add coverage to this requirement.

    • Folder. A folder for organizing requirements. By default, you cannot add coverage to this requirement.

    • Functional. A system behavioral requirement.

    • Group. A collection of related requirements.

    • Testing. A system performance requirement.

    • Business Model. A requirement representing a business process model entity.

    • Undefined. An undefined requirement.

    You can customize the default types and create your own requirement types. For details on customizing requirement types, see Customize requirement types.

    Details tab In the Details tab, fill in other requirement fields as necessary.
    Rich Text tab Describe the requirement in rich text using the HTML editor.
    Attachments tab

    Add attachments to the requirements.

    See Add attachments to entities or entity folders.

  3. Click Submit.

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Requirements views

You can work with requirements in either Grid or Details view. From the upper right corner of the Requirements tab, select the view you want.

View Description
Details view

Displays a requirements tree in the left panel and requirement folder or requirement details in the right panel.

This view is particularly helpful when you want to do the following:

  • Create requirement folders and requirements.

  • View a hierarchy of requirements.

Grid view

Displays all requirements in a grid.

This view is particularly helpful when you want to do the following:

  • Group requirements.

  • Customize which requirement columns to show and hide.

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Assign requirements to releases or cycles

You can assign a requirement to releases and cycles.

To assign a requirement to releases or cycles:

From the requirements tree
  1. In Details view, from the requirements tree, hover over the requirement.

  2. Select More Actions > Assign to Release, or Assign to Cycle.

  3. In the Select Releases or Select Cycles window, select the target releases or cycles, and click OK.

From the Details tab
  1. Open the requirement.

  2. In the Details tab, in the Target Release drop-down list, select the target releases.

    To assign cycles, in the Target Cycle drop-down list, select the target cycles.

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Create test coverage

Create test coverage by linking tests to requirements. In addition to covering requirements at the level of test, you can also cover requirements by test configurations.

Coverage mode

Coverage mode indicates whether a requirement is covered by selected test configurations or all test configurations of a test.

  • All Configurations. If a test, including all its test configurations, is added to coverage, the coverage mode is All Configurations.

  • Selected Configurations. If selected test configurations of a test are added to coverage, the coverage mode is Selected Configurations.

To link tests to a requirement:

  1. Select the target requirement. Go to the Test Coverage tab.

  2. Click Select to open the Test Plan tree.

  3. Select the target tests and click Add to Coverage.

    To select multiple tests grouped in the same folder, select the folder and click Add To Coverage.

    To select test configurations of a test, select the test, at the bottom of the test plan tree, expand the Test Configurations section, and select target test configurations.

To remove test coverage:

From the test coverage grid, select the test coverage and click Remove .

To remove certain test configurations:

  1. Change the Coverage Mode of the test coverage to Selected Configurations.

  2. Expand the Test Configuration Status section, select target test configurations, and click Remove .

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See also: