Share entities

You can share an entity for quick communication and collaboration.

Send an entity by email

You can send an entity by email to other users. The entity's link, summary, and other specified content are included in the email.

Note: This is not available for the Dashboard and Releases modules.

Note the following before you send an entity by email.

  • By default, email messages are sent in HTML format.

    To send email as plain text, your site admin should set the MAIL_FORMAT parameter to TEXT.

  • The size limit of each attachment in the email is controlled by the ATTACH_MAX_SIZE parameter.

    If an attachment is bigger than the limit, it is not included in the email.

To send an entity by email:

  1. Open the target module. From the entity tree, select the target entity.

    For test instances: Select the target test set. In the Execution Grid tab, select the test instance you want to send by email.

  2. On the tool bar, click Email and choose one of the following options:

    Option Details
    Send by E-mail

    Sends email to specified recipients.

    Send by E-mail to <a specific recipient>

    Sends email to a specific recipient, depending on the entity type. For example, for a requirement, this is Send by E-mail to Author. For a test, this is Send by E-mail to Designer.

  3. In the Send E-mail window, specify the following settings:

    Setting Details




    Enter the email addresses of the recipients.

    Alternatively, you can click the To, Cc, or Bcc button to search for recipients by usernames.


    Enter the email subject.

    By default, it is <Domain>.<project> - <entity>#<entity ID> - <entity name>.



    The ID and name of the selected entity.


    Select which content of the entity is included in the email:

    • Attachments: Includes the entity's attachments.

    • History: Includes the entity's history.

    • Test Coverage: Only available for requirements. Includes test coverage of the selected requirement.

    • Traced Requirements: Only available for requirements. Includes trace-from and trace-to requirements of the selected requirement in the email.

    • Design Steps: Only available for tests. Includes the design steps of the selected test.

    • Design Steps Attachments: Only available for tests and when the Design Steps option is selected. Includes the attachments of the test's design steps.

    • Run Steps: Only available for test instances and test runs.

      For a test instance, it includes the steps of the last test instance run.

      For a test run, it includes the steps of the selected test run.

    • Runs: Only available for test instances. Includes a summary of the test instance runs in the email.

    Additional comments If you have any comments about the email, enter your comments in the text box.
    Send me a copy

    Sends yourself a copy of the email.

    This option is disabled if your email is not defined in your user profile. For details, see View and edit your profile.

    Add to comments

    Adds a comment about the email in the Comments field of the entity.

    The comment uses the following format:

    Sent the <entity> to <email recipients> with comment: <additional comments>

  4. Click Send.

    By default, after clicking Send, the email is queued to be sent and you can continue working. If the send operation fails, you receive an email indicating undeliverable mail.

    If you site admin enables synchronous email sending by using the the ASYNC_MAIL_ENABLED parameter, the email is sent immediately. You cannot continue working until the sending is completed.

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Copy entity link

You can copy an entity's URL and paste the URL into another location, such as an email or a document. The link opens Web Client and takes you to the entity. If a user is not already logged in, they should first log in.

To copy an entity's URL:

  1. Open the target module. From the entity tree, locate the entity whose URL you want to copy.

  2. Click More Actions > Copy URL.

    Alternatively, from the tool bar, click Copy URL.

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