What's new in 24.1.x

The following new features and enhancements are now available in 24.1 and patches.

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Learn about some of the new features included in 24.1.

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What's New in 24.1 P1

The following new features and enhancements are now available in 24.1 P1:

Web Client

The following new features and enhancements are now available for Web Client:

More events for project scripts

More events are supported for project scripts.

For details, see Events.

Update existing favorites

You can now update an existing favorite with new display settings.

For details, see Update a favorite.

Desktop Client

The following new features and enhancements are now available for Desktop Client:

Copy test instances across test sets

You can now copy test instances from one or more test sets to another test set within the same project.

For details, see Add tests to test sets.

Reset your password link now opens in web browsers

When you reset your password, the Reset your password link in the received email notification now opens in your web browser, without opening Desktop Client.

For details, see Reset your password.

Remember memo field layout in run details If you adjusted the layout of memo fields such as Description, Expected, and Actual in test run details, the layout is remembered. This enhances your experience in viewing and editing test runs.

Word add-in

The Microsoft Word add-in now supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Word.

For details, see Microsoft Word add-in.

Site Administration

The following new features and enhancements are now available for Site Administration:

Update existing users with data from CSV files

When importing users from a CSV file, if any user names to be imported already exist in Site Administration, you can choose to update these users with the data from the CSV file.

For details, see Import users from CSV files.

Lock users of imported and restored projects

Under the user authentication mode, after you import or restore a project, the project users that are new to Site Administration are locked. You can manually unlock these users to activate them.

For details, see Restore access to a project and Create a project by importing from a project file.


When using comparison operators in query filters, you can use either abbreviations or symbols to represent comparison relationships.

OpenText recommends that you use abbreviations instead of symbols. For example, use GT instead of > to represent "greater than".

For details, see REST API Reference (Core).

IPv6 support

IPv6 is officially supported, enabling you to work and communicate with IPv6-enabled systems.

Ensure you connect to the server using the server host name instead of the IPv6 address.

Incremental patching

A new patch installation approach, incremental patching, is available. This approach requires installing the GA release before deploying the patch and enables easy rollback to the GA release.

Incremental patching is supported for English installations only.

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What's New in 24.1

The following new features and enhancements are now available in 24.1:

Web Client

The following new features and enhancements are now available for Web Client (previously known as Web Runner):

Web Runner renamed to Web Client Web Runner is now renamed to Web Client.
View test runs

The new Test Runs module enables you to view and continue manual test runs in Web Client.

For details, see View test runs.

Filter enhancements

The filter function is enhanced in Web Client. You can now use Filter to:

  • Filter requirements, tests, and test sets in the tree view.

  • Group runs and defects in Grid view.

  • Sort entities based on sorting priorities.

For details, see Filter records in Web Client.

Requirement grid view

Grid view is added for the Requirements module, which gives you another option to view requirements.

For details, see Create and manage requirements.

Manage favorites

You can now do the following to manage favorites:

  • Add favorites.

  • Update existing favorites and save them as new favorites.

  • Organize favorites into groups.

Favorites are available for Requirements, Test Plan, Test Lab, and Defects modules.

For details, see Manage favorites.

Add details and attachments to test folders and test set folders

You can now add more information to test folders and test set folders:

Workflow updates

The updates to workflows include:

  • More events and properties are available in project scripts.

  • You can define advanced project scripts to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of specific tasks such as creating, deleting, and updating entities.

For details, see Web Client workflow customization.

Web Runner Admin replaced by Client Management

Web Runner Admin has been replaced. To turn on or off Web Client or its modules, use Site Administration > Client Management.

With Client Management, not only on-premises admins but also SaaS customer admins can configure the availability of Web Client.

For details, see Client management.

Support non-English languages

Web Client now supports more languages in addition to English, such as German, French, and Chinese.

For details, see Prerequisites for Web Client and Select a language for Web Client.

Keyboard navigation and accessibility

Web Client supports keyboard navigation to provide you with an alternative way to perform actions that are normally performed using a mouse.

For details, see Keyboard navigation.

Desktop Client

The following new features and enhancements are now available for Desktop Client:

  • Group defects by custom periods in age graphs

    You can now divide defects into a custom number of groups at a custom age interval.

    For example, you can divide defects into 5 groups, with each group including defects aged cumulatively at the 14-day age interval.

    For details, see Configure age graphs.

  • Enhanced display of X-axis labels

    The display of X-axis labels is enhanced to ensure better experience on reading graph annotations:

    • If a graph has long X-axis labels, they are fully displayed when the graph is saved as image, sent to email, or printed.

    • If X-axis labels are dates, they are always fully displayed.

    For details, see View entity graphs.

  • Apply group color settings to new graphs

    When you edit a group or category color of a graph, you can choose to also apply the color settings to both the following graphs created by you:

    • New graphs that include the group or category.

    • New group or category with the same name (case-sensitive) in existing graphs.

    For details, see Set graph appearance.

  • Always hide unwanted groups of data independent of data existence

    You can now select which groups of data are by default shown in a graph. This helps you ensure unwanted groups of data (regardless of whether they exist) are consistently hidden, unless you manually show such data.

    For details, see Set graph appearance.

  • Support 64-bit Office for Template Creator

    You can now use Template Creator with your 64-bit Microsoft Office to design report templates.

    For details, see Design report templates.

My Homepage

With the Share Homepage permission, you can now share your Homepage Overview settings. This enables you to centrally set up an aligned widget and distribute it to all project users without requiring them to go through extra steps.

For details, see Homepage.

Recycle Bin

You can now move unwanted entities or entity folders to the Recycle Bin, and restore them to their original locations whenever you want to reuse them.

This feature is available for the Test Plan and Test Lab modules.

For details, see Recycle Bin.

Purge runs

The performance and user experience of purging runs are now enhanced:

  • Separate options for purging runs: Purge Runs to purge runs in all test sets, and Purge Runs in Selected to purge runs in selected test sets.

  • Purge tasks now run in the background. You can perform other operations without waiting until purges complete.

  • You can view the status and progress of purge tasks from Task Manager.

For details, see Purge test runs.

Test Lab

When running a manual test, images or attachments added to the test step's actual result are not saved to the corresponding design step in the Test Plan module.

For details, see Run tests manually using Manual Runner.

Send email about entities
  • You can now use the Bcc field to specify people who are invisible to other recipients of the notification.

  • The Add to comments option, which adds a comment about to whom the entity is sent, is now by default selected.

For details, see Send email about entities.


Customizations on project entities and requirement types are now logged.

For details, see Auditing.

Site Administration

The following new features and enhancements are now available for Site Administration:

Client Management

Replacing the previous Web Runner Admin, Site Administration > Client Management enables both on-premises and SaaS admin users to perform administrative tasks for Web Client, including enabling or disabling Web Client or its modules.

For details, see Client management.

API Key Management

API Key Management is now moved to Site Administration with enhanced functionality:

  • As a site admin or customer admin, you can now create and manage API keys for any user from Site Administration > Users > API Key Management.

  • If permitted, as a basic user, you can create and manage your own API keys from Site Administration > My Settings > My API Key.

  • When creating an API key, you can specify its expiration time, which overrides the global expiration time defined by the APIKEY_EXPIRE_DAYS parameter.

For details, see API key management.

License assignment enhancements

Available for: SaaS only.

License assignment becomes more simplified and user-friendly for customer admins:

  • With Licenses > License Management > License Assignments, customer admins can perform all license related operations in a single screen, including assigning licenses to customers and domains and viewing assignments.

    For details, see Assign licenses to customers and domains.

  • Customer License Status provides more license assignment details with revamped user interface and enhanced reading experiences. For details, see View customer license status.

Reset passwords for site users

Available for: On-premises only.

As a site admin, you can now reset passwords for site users. This is helpful, for example, when a user forgets the login password but does not have an email address defined to receive the new password.

This feature is enabled when the new ENABLE_RESET_PASSWORD_BY_SA parameter is set to Y.

For details, see Reset passwords for site users.

Send password expiry notification

If a password policy requires users' password be reset regularly, you can configure the policy rule to determine when notifications are sent to remind users of password expiry.

For details, see Password policy management.

Filter users by multiple usernames

You can now filter users by multiple usernames separated by semicolons.

For details, see Filter users.

Add MS-SQL (AAD Auth) database servers

As connecting to Microsoft SQL Server using Azure Active Directory authentication is now supported, you can add a database server of the MS-SQL (AAD Auth) type.

For details, see Add database servers.

ALM Client MSI Generator

When generating an client MSI file, you can now choose to also register client components for 64-bit applications using the generated MSI file.

For details, see Generate client MSI file.

Test Execution Agent

Test Execution Agent now requires 64-bit JDK and registration of 64-bit client components.

Note: Previously TEA requires 32-bit JDK and 32-bit client component registration. After the upgrade to 24.1, install 64-bit JDK and register 64-bit client component. Otherwise, you cannot start TEA.

For details, see Test Execution Agent (TEA).


The following API updates are now available:

New REST APIs for customizing project lists

New REST APIs are now available for customizing project list.

  • GET /qcbin/v2/rest/domains/{domain}/projects/{project}/customization/used-lists. Gets project lists in use

  • GET /qcbin/v2/rest/domains/{domain}/projects/{project}/customization/used-lists/{list-id}. Gets details of a project list

  • POST /qcbin/v2/rest/domains/{domain}/projects/{project}/customization/used-lists/{list-id}/items. Adds an item to a project list

  • PUT /qcbin/v2/rest/domains/{domain}/projects/{project}/customization/used-lists/{list-id}/items/{item-id}.Renames an item of a project list

  • POST /qcbin/v2/rest/domains/{domain}/projects/{project}/customization/used-lists/{list-id}/items/{item-id}. Adds a sub-item to an item of a project list

  • DELETE /qcbin/v2/rest/domains/{domain}/projects/{project}/customization/used-lists/{list-id}/items/{item-id}. Deletes an item of a project list

For details, see REST API Reference (Core).

Use POST method for logout REST APIs

The GET method for logout REST APIs is now blocked by default. Use the POST method instead.

Impacted REST APIs include:

  • /qcbin/authentication-point/logout

  • /qcbin/authentication/sign-out

For details, see REST API Reference (Core).

OData support for extended reporting

OData (Open Data Protocol), the OASIS REST-based standard for accessing ALM data, is now supported. You can use business intelligence tools that support OData (such as Power BI and Tableau) to connect to project data and generate charts and reports.

This enables you to visualize and analyze project data using extended reporting capabilities, beyond the functionality provided by reports and graphs.

For details, see OData support for extended reporting.

Platform support

24.1 supports the following:

  • Oracle Java 17
  • Office 365 SMTP
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2022
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
  • Oracle Linux 9
  • Connecting to SQL Server using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authentication

For details, see Support Matrix.

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See also: