Dashboard mobile application

The Dashboard mobile application enables you to view your project dashboards from your mobile device, without downloading or opening an client.

In this topic:

System requirements

The Dashboard application supports the following mobile devices and operating systems:

  • Device: Mobile phones

  • Operating systems: iOS 13, 14 and Android 10, 11

  • Minimum resolution: 375 * 667 pt

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Download and install

To download Dashboard, search ALM Dashboard in the application store of your mobile phone.

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Log in or out

Log in to Dashboard before using it.

To log in Dashboard:

  1. Open Dashboard.

  2. In the Address field, enter the server address in the following format: http://<server name>:<port>/qcbin.

  3. If you want to log in to the last project you connected to, select the Automatically log in to my last domain and project checkbox.

    Note: This checkbox is not available to SSO users.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Enter your ALM username and password.

  6. Click Login.

  7. If you selected the Automatically log in to my last domain and project checkbox, you log into your last project. Otherwise, select the domain and project you want to log into, and click Confirm.

To log out of ALM Mobile Dashboard, in the application masthead, click > Log Out, and click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

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Use Dashboard

The following table describes the UI elements of Dashboard.

UI Element Description

Dashboard screen

After you log into Dashboard, you are at the Dashboard screen.

It includes the Public and Private root folders.

Public or Private screen


Tap the Public folder to see dashboards and dashboard folders that are available to all users.

Tap the Private folder to see dashboards and dashboard folders that are only available to you.

<folder> screen

Tap a root folder (Public or Private folder) or a child folder to see the underlying dashboards or dashboard folders.

  • Folders tab: Lists all direct dashboard folders.

  • Dashboard tab: Lists all direct dashboards.

Folder breadcrumb

Tap a dashboard folder in the breadcrumb to open the folder.

It is available when you expand the Public or Private root folder.

Tap it to open the following options:

  • <current logged in user>

  • Log Out: Logs you out of ALM Dashboard.

Opens the help page of Dashboard.
Searches dashboards by dashboard name.

Shows the current domain and project.

Available only when you are at the root folder level.

Opens a dialog box that allows you to switch to another project.
Goes back to the previous screen.

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