Jenkins integrations

The Application Automation Tools plugin is an open source plugin for the Jenkins CI (Continuous Integration) tool. You can use this tool to run test sets and use Lab Management with the Jenkins continuous integration.


The following are the prerequisites for integration with Jenkins.

  • Install one of the five latest LTS versions of Jenkins
  • Java version 8 or higher
  • Install the Application Automation Tools plugin. For details, see Application Automation Tools.
  • Make sure the client is installed on the machine that will run the tests. To check if the client installed, follow the instructions on: http://<your_server>:8080/qcbin/TDConnectivity_index.html.

  • For running OpenText Functional Testing tests from OpenText Application Quality Management: Install the OpenText Application Quality Management client in common registration mode by accessing the following link from your browser on the OpenText Functional Testing machine: http://<your_server>:8080/qcbin/start_a.jsp?Common=true.

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Configure the connection

Set up the connection with Jenkins.

To configure the connection:

  1. Go to the Jenkins Server home page.
  2. Click the Manage Jenkins link in the left pane.
  3. In the Manage Jenkins Page, click Configure System.
  4. In the Configuration tab, scroll down to the Application Lifecycle Management section.
  5. Click Add ALM server, if no server is currently configured.
  6. Specify a meaningful server name and URL. When specifying an ALM Server URL, use the full string: http:/myserver.mydomain/qcbin.

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Run test sets

Run test sets, and publish and review test results in Jenkins.

To Set up a job to run tests:

  1. Go to the Jenkins Server home page.
  2. Click the New Job link or select an existing job.
  3. Enter a Job name (for a new job).
  4. Select Build a free-style software project and click OK.
  5. In the Project Configuration section scroll down to the Build section.
  6. Expand the Add build step drop-down and select Execute functional tests from ALM.
  7. Select one of the ALM servers that you configured in the previous step.
  8. Enter the server credentials, project and domain.

    Note: If you are using the scheduler, it runs under the Jenkins agent user. For example, if Jenkins is running as a System user, the scheduler will run the tests as a System user. This will not affect test execution.

  9. Add the test set folders or specific test sets that you want to include. To add a specific test, add the test name after the test set path. To add multiple entries, click the down arrow on the right of the field and enter each item on a separate line. See the example below.
  10. Optionally, indicate a timeout in seconds after which the job will fail.
  11. Click Advanced to indicate a Run mode (local, remote, or planned host) If you specify a remote host mode, specify a host name. This must be a machine with a valid installation of the testing tool.
  12. Click Apply to save your changes and continue with more build steps. Click Save when you are finished adding build steps.


To set up a post-build action that publish test results:

In the Post-build Actions section, expand the Add post-build action drop-down and select Publish test result.

To run the job:

Run or schedule the job as you would with any standard Jenkins job.

To review the results:

  1. From the dashboard, click on the job.
  2. Click the Console link to view the ALM information.
  3. Copy the ALM link to your browser and view the Test Set results from within ALM.

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Run server side tests using Lab Management

If you have Lab Management activated, you can run server-side tests from functional test sets and build verification suites. After setting up the test sets and build verification suites, you can configure a Jenkins build step to execute your tests.

To set up a job to run tests using Lab Management:

  1. Go to the Jenkins Server home page.
  2. Click the New Job link or select an existing job.
  3. Enter a Job name (for a new job).
  4. Select Build a free-style software project and click OK.
  5. In the Project Configuration section scroll down to the Build section.
  6. Expand the Add build step drop-down and select Execute tests using ALM Lab Management.
  7. Select one of the ALM servers that you configured in the previous step.
  8. Enter the server credentials, project, and domain.
  9. If your ALM server version is 12.60 or higher, enter the Client type.
  10. Select a Run Type from the drop down menu (functional test set or build verification suite).
  11. Enter the ID of your run entity (either the test set ID or the build verification suite ID).
  12. Optional: Enter a description of the build step.
  13. Enter a duration (in minutes) for the timeslot. The minimum time is 30 minutes.
  14. Optional: If you have defined an AUT environment configuration in ALM, you can enter the ID here in order to execute your timeslot with specific AUT parameters. If you have CDA configured in ALM and want to implement it for this time slot, select the Use CDA for provisioning and deployment checkbox and enter your CDA details.

To set up a post-build action to publish test results:

In the Post-build Actions section, expand the Add post-build action drop-down and select Publish test result.

To run the job:

Run or schedule the job as you would with any standard Jenkins job.

To review the results:

  1. From the dashboard, click on the job.
  2. Click the Console link to view the ALM information.
  3. Copy the ALM link to your browser and view the Test Set results from within ALM.

Note: For environments with ALM version 12.20 or later: The report, normally accessible through a link in the console log, will not be available.

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Create or update AUT Environment Configuration

If you have Lab Management activated, you can create or update an AUT Environment Configuration for an existing AUT environment.

To set up a job:

  1. Go to the Jenkins Server home page.
  2. Click the New Job link or select an existing job.
  3. Enter a Job name (for a new job).
  4. Select Build a free-style software project and click OK.
  5. In the Project Configuration section scroll down to the Build section.
  6. Expand the Add build step drop-down and select Execute AUT Environment preparation using ALM Lab Management.
  7. Select one of the ALM servers that you configured in the Configure the connection to your ALM server step.
  8. Enter the server credentials, project name, and domain.
  9. Enter the ID of the environment for which you want to create/update a configuration.
  10. Select one of the following options to Indicate whether or not to create a new AUT Environment Configuration or update an existing one.

    1. For Create a new configuration named, enter a name for the new configuration.

    2. For Use an existing configuration with ID, enter the ID of your AUT Environment Configuration in ALM.

  11. Optional: Enter a path for a JSON file that contains values for the AUT Environment parameters for the relevant configuration.
  12. Optional: Enter a name of a build environment parameter in order to save the ID of the created/updated configuration for future use.
  13. Add the AUT Environment parameters that you want to update for the created/updated configuration. For each parameter:

    1. Select the type of the parameter from the drop-down menu (Manual, Environment, From JSON).
    2. Enter the full path of the parameter as it appears in ALM.
    3. Enter the value you want to assign to this parameter.

To run the job:

Run or schedule the job as you would with any standard Jenkins job.

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Upload test results

You can upload tests running in JUnit, NUnit, or TestNG frameworks to OpenText Application Quality Management as part as the run job or as a separate job. Tests and test sets (of External type) are created corresponding to the executed tests.

To set up a job:

  1. Go to the Jenkins Server home page.
  2. Click the New Job link or select an existing job.
  3. Enter a Job name (for a new job).
  4. Select Build a free-style software project and click OK.

To set up the post-build action:

  1. In the Project Configuration section, scroll down to the Post-build Actions section.
  2. Expand the Add post-build action drop-down and select Upload test result to ALM.
  3. Select one of the servers that you configured in the Configure the connection to your ALM server step.
  4. Enter the server credentials, project name, and domain.
  5. Select a testing framework from the drop-down list: JUnit, NUnit, or TestNG.
  6. Optional: Enter the name of the Testing Tool name, to be used in the corresponding entity in OpenText Application Quality Management.
  7. Enter the Test folder path, in which to store the external tests. Do not include the Root test folder (Subject).
  8. Enter the Test Set folder path, in which to store the external test sets. Do not include the Root test sets folder.
  9. Enter the Testing result file condition, relative to the root path of the job. For example, use **/junitResult.xml for Junit Plugin results.
  10. Optional: Enter the Jenkins server URL.

To run the job:

Run or schedule the job as you would with any standard Jenkins job.

To review the results:

  1. From the dashboard, click on the job.
  2. Click the Console link to view the OpenText Application Quality Management information.
  3. Copy the link to your browser and view the tests, test sets, and test runs that were created.

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See also: