Global settings

This topic describes how to set the global settings for Micro Focus Connect that are applied when you synchronize assets.

To open the Global Settings window, click the gear button in the top banner, and select Settings. Hover over the property names for a description of the fields.

Sync settings

Connections are scheduled to run with a default synchronization frequency of one minute. The synchronization frequency is the maximum interval of time between successive connection runs.

If a connection is configured to run every minute, but each iteration takes 5 minutes to complete, the next iteration will start immediately after the previous one ended. If the connection took 20 seconds to run an iteration, the next iteration starts 40 seconds later.

Note: The system may support on-demand synchronizations. For configured on-demand synchronization rules, the frequency value defined here has no meaning.

It is not necessary for connections to be running all the time. Micro Focus Connect keeps track of where the connections left off through source and target watermarks. The next time a connection starts, it begins where it left off, and synchronizes anything that changed since the time of the watermark.

We recommend not to run connections continuously without pausing. Multiple connections running simultaneously challenge the balance of resources such as memory, processor, and network bandwidth. A connection that constantly runs, continuously submits queries against the source and target data, consuming all available resources.

Tip: Set synchronization frequencies on connections that reflect the real amount of data being produced in the data sources, as well as the average amount of time expected to synchronize these asset changes across the connections.

Since connections run in parallel on allocated web server threads, an increase in the downtime between iterations, increases the processing power of all other connections.

To configure the synchronization frequency:

  1. In the Synchronization Frequency box, enter the time in minutes between synchronizations. The default is 5 minutes from the completion of a clean installation.


    • Setting a low frequency value creates additional load on the data source product servers.
    • If the data sources are rate limited (typical in cloud instances), you may experience issues or a slowdown in the synchronization iterations.
  2. Click Save.

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SMTP configuration and email settings

This section describes how to set up global notifications for errors, as emails. Micro Focus Connect generates notifications when system or synchronization errors occur. These notifications can help you troubleshoot issues.

You can specify the global default values to be used by Micro Focus Connect for all error notifications.

If you do not want to set email notifications globally, you can set them for a specific connection in the connection's Data Source page. For details, see Define a connection.

To override the global settings for a specific connection, specify the email recipients and frequency on the connection's Data Source page. For details, see Create and manage connections.

To set up global error notifications:

  1. In the SMTP Configuration section:

    1. Fill in the details of the SMTP server, such as host and port.
    2. Choose a security level: Insecure (default), STARTTLS, or SSL/TLS. Note: After an upgrade, make sure to review this setting.
    3. Click the Test Settings button to validate your configuration.
  2. To generate email notifications for all connections, add one or more email addresses to the Email Settings section. Separate multiple email addresses with a semicolon.
  3. Optionally, set a frequency for emails, in minutes. For example, if multiple errors are detected, they will not be sent until the frequency time is reached.
  4. Click Save.

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Database and Audit settings

The Database Version section of the dialog box list is Read-only. It provides information about the current schema and database versions.

The Audit Settings section lets you configure audit-related settings, such as the lifetime of audit reports. Enabling the audit cleanup will prevent your system from being overloaded with older audit reports. In the Audit settings, you set the maximum number of days for audit data and audit dump to be kept.

To configure the audit settings:

  1. In the Audit Settings area, select the Audit Cleanup Enabled checkbox.
  2. Set a time for the cleanup, using the 24-hour HH:mm+/-Z format, where Z indicates the time zone. For example, 4:00+1:00 indicates a cleanup time of 1 hour after 4:00 GMT.
  3. Specify the number of days after which your audit data and audit dumps will be deleted.
  4. Click Save. The default location of the audit files is /AppData/backup/audit.

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See also: