Install connectors

This topic describes how to install connectors. During the installation, by default the setup program installs the core product and several popular connectors.

Download and install connectors

You can discover and download additional connectors from the AppDelivery Marketplace. The SAP Solution Manager connector was designed to exchange SAP Solution Manager data with ALM/QC and ALM Octane.

After you install a connector, you can create a data source of that type.

To install a connector:

  1. Download the connector package from the Marketplace.
  2. Follow the directions outlined in the connector's readme to deploy the connector. For details, see Product Readmes.

    In general, these directions include:

    1. Create a directory under the AppData\connectors folder. The folder can have any unique name, for example mfcConnector<product>.
    2. Copy the connector jar and any other provided jars into the new folder.
    3. Copy any documented third-party libraries (outlined in the readme) into the new folder.
  3. Restart Micro Focus Connect.

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Check for connector updates

By default, Windows connectors are installed in the <user>\AppData\connector directory. You can display a list of your installed connectors and the available connectors on Marketplace.

Click the Help button , and select Check for Connector Updates. The Latest Connector Versions dialog box lists the connectors that are not installed, and indicates if there are newer versions available of the installed connectors.

We recommend using the latest versions of Micro Focus Connect and its connectors, which provide you with more capabilities and enhanced stability.

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Upgrade connectors

If you are installing a connector over a previous version of the connector, you may need to update the libraries to avoid unexpected behavior. Old libraries should be either moved out of the directory or deleted altogether. Renaming them in the same directory may not be sufficient.

To update a connector:

  1. Compare your existing libraries to those listed in the connector's readme. Refresh versions and add libraries as outlined in the readme. For details, see Product Readmes.
  2. Remove any existing mfc*.jar libraries that are older than the ones provided in the new version.
  3. For a multi-server node installation, perform these additional steps:

    1. Stop the Micro Focus Connect server on the leader and follower nodes. Run sudo systemctl stop connect

    2. Replace the old jar libraries with new ones or add new connectors to the leader node.

    3. Run the upgrade script on the leader node for upgrade: ./

    4. Replace the old jar libraries with new ones or add new connectors on all follower nodes. Make sure to use the same version that you used for the leader node.

    5. Start the Micro Focus Connect server on the leader and then on all other follower nodes: sudo systemctl start connect

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