What's New in 4.2

This topic describes the new and enhanced features in Micro Focus Connect 4.2.


The following usability enhancements are available:

  • Enhanced Synchronization Criteria. The Synchronization Criteria behavior has been updated to allow filtering of data on a per Type and per Project basis. This more granular approach to filtering makes configuration more streamlined while also enabling customers to synchronize a dispersed set of assets from one Project across to many Projects, such as a common set of Requirements in ALM Octane that pushes to many team Projects in Jira.
  • Calculated Values. Calculated Values is a new Micro Focus Connect feature enabling users to set default, static or calculated values when assets are synchronized.  Rules can be configured that determine when the value is set and how the value is determined at time of synchronization.

    For details, see Add projects and rules to a connection.

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ALM Octane Connector

The ALM Octane Connector has been updated to enable the following new features:

  • DataSource Reuse. The ALM Octane DataSource configuration is now inclusive of all Workspaces on the Shared Space.  As such, a single ALM Octane DataSource can now be used to create a Connection for multiple Workspaces.  This simplifies the ALM Octane Connector configuration process and reduces the amount of DataSources and Connections needed to map multiple Workspaces.
  • Improved support for Sprint/Release relationship. The ALM Octane Connector supports the new Calculated Values feature making it easier to support the creation of Sprints in ALM Octane that don’t have a corresponding Release relationship in the other tool, but is required in the ALM Octane data model.
  • Relationship support. The ALM Octane Connector has been updated to support more synchronization of more asset relationships.
  • Quality Story support. The ALM Octane Connector now supports synchronization of Quality Story assets.
  • Requirement support (beta). This version of the ALM Octane Connector contains beta support for synchronizing ALM Octane Requirements.
  • Improved error handling. Updates have been made to the ALM Octane Connector to provide clearer error messages for debugging issues found during synchronization.

Additional updates include:

  • Added Application Module field support
  • Added support for required field indication

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Jira Connector

The Jira Connector has been updated to enable the following new features:

  • REST API update. The Jira Connector has been updated to the latest Jira REST API for improved compatibility with the latest versions of Jira.
  • Relationship support. The Jira Connector has improved support for synchronization of relationships, including the addition of story to defect relationships.
  • Version/Release support. The Jira Connector now supports the ability to synchronize Version and Release asset information.

Additional updates include:

  • Added support for linked issues of any type and across projects
  • Fixed issue when getting boards for DataSource
  • Updated to support jeditor as rich text editor
  • Improved sprint relationship support
  • Improved DataSource setup when system has many projects and boards
  • Improved Jira session reuse
  • Added support for required field indication
  • Added version and fixVersion field support
  • Added epic and sprint relationships

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New Connectors

Version 4.2 Micro Focus Connect also includes the beta version of the IBM DOORs Connector for synchronizing DOORs Requirements.

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ALM Connector

The following updates are now available in the ALM Connector:

  • Fixed performance issue setting up data source when user has large number of requirements in project
  • Fixed issue mapping target release field
  • Added support for required field indication
  • Fixed issue parsing test folders
  • Added support of requirement name field as unique field

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Other Connector Updates

The following updates are available on the Connectors:

  • RM Connector. Fixed issues with detecting changes.
  • ServiceNow Connector. Fixed performance issue with DataSource setup.
  • Hub Connector. Added support for default values in fields. If synchronizing would use null and a default value exists, the default value is used instead.
  • TFS Connector. Fixed issue when user maps a type, then disables the type in Azure DevOps.

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Other Usability Improvements

The following usability improvements are now available, in addition to the usability issues above.

  • Added support for cross-project relationships.
  • Added unique field support. If a mapped field is considered unique and has the same value in both products, the items are automatically related.
  • Added 'Is Empty', 'Is New' and 'Is Modified' concepts.
  • Added Project as a mappable field.
  • Added ability to see if there are updated Connectors available on the Marketplace.
  • Fixed UI hang related to stalled Connection and user interaction with other Connections.
  • Fixed issue retrieving Audit Data on recently run iteration.
  • Improved mapping of enumerated fields. When multiple enums are mapped to the same value, Micro Focus Connect indicates the value to use, making it easier to map additional enums.
  • Improved indication when a Connector cannot be configured, prevent it from blocking other Connectors.
  • Improved performance when creating and editing data sources.

See also:

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