Start or stop connections

This topic describes how to start and stop a connection and lists the possible connection status values.

Start or stop a connection

A connection needs to be fully defined before you can start it.

Tip: Connect attempts to run a connection once it is defined. You can see a connection's status in the dashboard.

  • To start an idle connection, click the Modify connection button next to the connection name, and select Start Connection.
  • To stop a running connection, click the Modify connection button next to the connection name, and select Stop Connection.

Note: From version 4.4.2, if you start multiple connections one after the other, the connections are queued: The second connection will enter its startup process only after the first connection is running.

For information on how to start and stop connections using batch utility scripts, see Batch utility scripts.

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Start or stop all connections in a group

Available for: 24.4 and later

You can start and stop all connections in a group.

  • To start all connections of a group, next to the group name, click the Start all connections button start all connections in a group, and select Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

  • To stop all connections of a group, next to the group name, click the Stop all connections button stop all connections in a group, and select Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

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Connection status values

The Connections page contains a grid listing each of your connections. One of the columns in the grid is Status. The following are the available Status values:

Status Description
Disabled The connection is deactivated and not active, its projects are not active, or an error was detected that caused Connect to deactivate the connection.
Failed One or more sync-sets associated with this synchronization have failed and no subsequent iterations have succeeded. See the Running status for an example.
There are no projects to synchronize or the projectMaps are deactivated.
In Queue

The connection is doing checks if it's permitted to run according to group limits or it's already waiting till it can be processed due to these limits.

Available for: 24.4 and later


The connection is scheduled to start at some time in the future. Only connections with caching disabled can have this status.

Available for: 25.1 and later

Restarting Either the application is restarting causing a Connection to restart, a change to the underlying configuration occurred causing a Connection to restart, or the user started the Connection. When the sync is complete, the status changes to Running or Failed.
The status is Running when the last available status for all sync-sets is Success.
For example, for a synchronization with three sync-sets (ss1, ss2, ss3):
   Iteration 2: ss1=success, ss2=success, ss3=success
   Iteration 3: ss1=ongoing

   Iteration 2: ss1=failed, ss2=success, ss3=success
   Iteration 3: ss1=ongoing
   Iteration 2: ss1=failed, ss2=success, ss3=success
   Iteration 3: ss1=success, ss2=ongoing
Server Reinitializing The application is reinitializing after changes to the configuration. This status is displayed for all connections until the application has restarted the configuration and created the associated sync-sets.
Unknown The synchronization status is not known to the application. There is an error.

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