What's New in 23.3 - 23.4

This topic describes the enhancements and fixes in Connect 23.3 and 23.4.

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Performance improvements

The following performance enhancements are available with version 23.3:

Feature Description
General performance

The following performance improvements are made:

  • Optimized CPU and memory usage.

  • Improved UI performance when multiple connections run in parallel.

  • Memory usage optimization at the end of iterations.

  • Performance improvements when using the has cross references operator.

Gzip encoding

Improved performance resulting from gzip encoding support on the network layer.

Clear Watermarks The Clear Watermarks operation is optimized by adding it to the core synchronization and moving it to the beginning of the iteration. Clear Watermarks no longer blocks other synchronization threads.
Logging The logging mechanism is optimized.
Web socket support Web socket communication no longer blocks synchronization.
Deleted items

Optimization of deleted item detection for the Jira connector.

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Usability and UI enhancements - 23.3

The following Usability and UI enhancements are available from version 23.3:

Feature Description
Audit purge

Admins can now configure an audit purge through the user interface.

For details, see Database and Audit settings.

Filter validation

A new validation engine checks the filters at the type and data source levels.

For details, see Managing connections.

Filter support

Named and free form filters are now supported for Jira and Azure DevOps connectors.

For details, see Server-side filters per product.

Global updates

You can use the mfcFullRestClient script to make global updates or perform global searches.

For details, see FullRestClient script for global properties.

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Usability and UI enhancements - 23.4

The following Usability and UI enhancements are available from version 23.4:

Feature Description
Fast connection cloning

Support was added for fast connection cloning. For details, see Cloning connections.

Watermark improvements

The Watermark setting mechanism was improved to more accurately record the synchronization times. For details, see Create a connection.

Kanban project support

The Jira connector now supports Kanban projects.

Jira Service desk support

Support for Jira Service desk projects was added, by removing Jira board requirement in data source properties.

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See also: