What's New in 4.3

This topic describes the enhancements and fixes in Micro Focus Connect 4.3.

Core product updates

The following core product updates are available:

  • Hotfix 1: Added support for complex password enforcement.

  • Added ability to synchronize comment fields for ALM/QC, Atlassian Jira, ALM Octane and AzureDevOps.

  • Added operating system support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8. For details, see Support Matrix.

  • Added Security Roles to control which users can access Micro Focus Connect configurations. For details, see Manage users.

  • Enhanced calculated value functionality to identify specific item types.

  • Extended transformations between data types (for example, enum to boolean).

  • Changed instanceof when processing multiple values. If any entry in the set of values is an instanceof the specified type, instanceof returns "true".

  • Added ability to trim or purge audit data for a Connection. All iterations more than one month old will be deleted.

  • Disabled automatic refresh of field labels in the UI. You can manually trigger a refresh using the Update Labels command in the Connection.

  • Improved database handling of import with large datasets.

  • Updated value map layout in Connections to improve performance with large value maps.

  • Renamed Refresh server data to Flush Server Cache.

  • Improved display in audit view, allowing for more data to be accessed without filtering.

  • The Connection status and its tabs - Connection Messages and Charts - are now refreshed in real time during the run.

  • Improved info level logging to reduce noisy entries.

  • Improved system messages, providing more process information.

  • Improved iteration messages and duration reporting.

  • Improved Connection status reporting during execution.

  • Improved prompt for user credentials on restart.

  • Improved performance when stopping and editing connections.

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Core product fixes

The following issues have been fixed:

  • Fixed issue when projects have the same name on both sides of a Connection.

  • Fixed issues parsing UTF-8 characters.

  • Fixed issue of re-encoding passwords when re-importing a configuration xml file.

  • Fixed issue with proxy setup when not using a user/password.

  • Fixed issues with attachments using UTF-8 characters in their names.

  • Fixed issue when importing cross references.

  • Fixed issue in checking for Connector updates. It now correctly displays current and available versions on the Marketplace.

  • Fixed issues that prevented synchronization from recovering an item that it failed to delete, that should have instead been considered for update.

  • Fixed issue where users could not type field names in calculated value fields.

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Command line client

The following command line client updates are available:

  • Added ability to get data sources and connections.

  • Added ability to automatically trim Jira types based on connections. This improves performance of Jira DataSources and Connections with large amounts of unused types.

  • Added ability to use installcert from behind a proxy.

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Jira connector

The ALM/QC Connector has been updated to enable the following new features and enhancements:

  • Updated library locations to newer Apache site.

  • Added support for comment syncing.

  • Added additional relationship support options.

  • Added support to use Atlassian wiki renderer for additional wiki-to-html support.

  • Added support to link fixVersions (Releases) with additional issue types.

  • Improved performance by limiting types and relationships as defined by the user.

  • Improved first time synchronization performance related to large numbers of projects and boards.

  • Added support for custom multi-checkboxes.

  • Added labels to field displays.

  • Fixed issues related to user field mappings with Jira Cloud Versions.

For additional updates, refer to the Jira Connector readme.

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ALM/QC Connector

The ALM/QC Connector has been updated to enable the following new features and enhancements:

  • Added ability to re-use ALM/QC data source with multiple workspaces.

  • Added ability to use the ALM/QC as an authenticator for logging in to Micro Focus Connect.

  • Added support for comment syncing.

  • Fixed issue when an attachment name contains non-ascii characters.

  • Updated readme to describe the algorithm used to determine default test/requirement/release folders.

  • Updated readme to reflect support of ALM 15.

  • Fixed issue where Requirement Type was a string (now represented as an enum).

  • Fixed: The exported configuration xml file indicated the wrong version.

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ALM Octane Connector

The following updates are now available in the ALM Octane Connector:

  • Added support for comment syncing.

  • Added ability to turn on comment deletion for the Connect API Key.

  • Improved logging when first discovering which workspaces are accessible.

  • Improved messaging when ALM Octane returns http 502 and 403 errors.

  • Fixed issues with Application Modules when syncing multiple workspaces.

  • Updated 'team' field to be represented as an enum.

  • Fixed character encoding issues.

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Connector readmes

  • Updated all connector readme library entries to reflect the recent Apache location changes.

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See also: