Apache Maven plugin

The Maven plugin enables you to download artifacts from an Apache Maven repository.


Review these guidelines before using the Maven plugin:

  • To download Maven artifacts, the plugin works in conjunction with the Maven source configuration type. For details, see Use source configuration types.
  • You can download Maven artifacts using the Maven plugin and the Maven source configuration type integration only if you do not select the Copy to CodeStation option for the component.
  • If the Copy to CodeStation option is selected for the component, you cannot download using the Maven plugin and must use the DA VFS plugin instead. For details, see DA VFS plugin.

Note: To use Maven with Artifactory, see JFrog Artifactory plugin. The Maven plugin cannot be used to download Maven artifacts accessed through an Artifactory repository.

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Maven Resolve step

the Maven Resolve step parses a list of artifacts from Maven and downloads them to be used in Deployment Automation processes.

To use this step, open the process designer and navigate to Repositories > Artifact > Maven in the Tools pane.

The following table describes the step's properties:

Property Description
Repository Url The base URL of the Maven repository.
Artifacts A line-separated list of artifacts to download in the following format:

Verify Hash (Optional) Verify hashes after the file is downloaded
Username (Optional) The username to authenticate with Maven
Password (Optional) The password to authenticate with Maven

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See also: