DA Component plugin
The DA Component plugin enables you to create and manage Deployment Automation components.
To use the plugin's steps, open the process designer and navigate to DA > Components in the Tools pane.
Create Component step
Use this step to create a Deployment Automation component.
The following table describes the step's properties:
Property | Description |
Component Name | The name of the new component. |
Source Config Type | The source configuration plugin for the component. This property enables you select a source from which to load artifacts. For details, see Use source configuration types. |
Default Version Type | The types of versions to create automatically upon import. |
Component Description | (Optional) A description of the new component. |
Template Name | (Optional) If this component uses a template, enter its name here. |
Template Version | (Optional) If this component uses a template version, enter the version number here. |
Import Versions Automatically | (Optional) Select this property to import versions automatically. |
Copy To CodeStation | (Optional) If selected, artifacts are copied from the source to the server's CodeStation repository. |
Source Config Properties | (Optional) Specify properties to pass in for the source
configuration plugin. Enter one property per line in the following format:
name=value .
Create Component Property step
Use this step to create a component property or update an existing one.
The following table describes the step's properties:
Property | Description |
Component Name | The name of the new component. |
Property Name | The name of the property to set. |
Property Value | (Optional) The value of the property to set. |
Secure? | (Optional) Select this option if the property should be secure. |
Create Component Role step
Use this step to create a new component role.
The following table describes the step's required properties:
Property | Description |
Role Name | The name of the new component role. |
Add User to Role for Component step
Use this step to add a user to a component role for a specified component.
The following table describes the step's required properties:
Property | Description |
User | The name of the user to be added to the role. |
Role | The name of the component role. |
Component | The name of the component. |
Add Group to Role for Component step
Use this step to add a group to a component role for a specified component.
The following table describes the step's required properties:
Property | Description |
Group | The name of the group to be added to the role. |
Role | The name of the component role. |
Component | The name of the component. |
Check if Component Exists step
This step succeeds if the component exists, and fails if it does not.
The following table describes the step's required properties:
Property | Description |
Component | The name of the component. |
See also: