IBM WebSphere Application Server plugin
The IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) is an application server built using J2EE, XML, and Web Services. WAS is supported on Windows, AIX, and Linux, as well as other operating systems.
IBM WebSphere Application Server provides a Java application server runtime environment and it can be used to connect website users to servlets. It allows users to create and manage sophisticated business websites.
The WebSphere plugin is an automation based plugin. It is run during the deployment to automate WebSphere application installs, execute WebSphere run-book automations, check the status of an WebSphere application, and run custom wsadmin scripts. The WebSphere plugin relies on the wsadmin executable to start/stop a websphere server or application, install/uninstall an application, check the status/configuration of an application, and execute a user defined wsadmin script.
To use the plugin's steps, open the process designer and navigate to Application Server > Java > WebSphere in the Tools pane.
This plugin has the following steps for you to add to your processes:
- Check Application is Not Running step
- Check Application is Running on Server or Cluster step
- Check if Config Object Exists step
- Check Initial Heap Size step
- Check Maximum Heap Size step
- Check Status step
- Create Cluster step
- Create Cluster Member step
- Create DataSource step
- Create DataSource for Cluster step
- Create JDBCProvider for Cluster step
- Create JDBCProvider step
- Create a SIBJMSConnectionFactory step
- Create SIBJMSQueue step
- WebSphere Create SIBJMSTopic step
- Execute wsadmin Script step
- Export DataSource Properties from a Cluster step
- Export JVMHeapSizes from Server step
- Export Application step
- Generate Plugin step
- Import DataSource Properties into Cluster step
- Import JVMHeapSizes for Cluster step
- Install Application step
- Install or Update Application step
- Modify Application ClassLoaders step
- Restart Application step
- Restart Server step
- Start Application step
- Start Server step
- Stop Application step
- Stop Server step
- WebSphere Synchronize Nodes Step
- Uninstall Application step
- Update J2EEResourceProperty on a Config Object step
- Update Simple Attribute on Object step
- Update Application step
- Wait for Application step
- Wait for Server or Cluster step
See also: