Jenkins plugin

Use the Jenkins plugin to submit Jenkins jobs and check build results from Deployment Automation.

To use the plugin's steps, open the process designer and select Integration > Jenkins in the Tools pane.

Note: The Jenkins plugin is different from the Jenkins source configuration type. Source configuration types are special integrations for importing component versions into Deployment Automation. For details, see Use source configuration types.

Jenkins Get Build Changes step

This step returns build changes in the output property.

The following table describes the step's properties:

Property Description
Job name The job name for which build changes should be returned.
Server Url The URL where Jenkins is installed, for example, http://host:8080/jenkins.
Build number (Optional) The build number for which build changes should be returned. If empty, the last build is used.
Username (Optional) The username that has permission to run the job.
Password (Optional) The password of the user with permission to run the job.

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Jenkins Get Build Status step

This step returns the result of a build in the output property.

The following table describes the step's properties:

Property Description
Job name

The job name for which the build result should be returned.

Server Url The URL where Jenkins is installed, for example: http://host:8080/jenkins.
Build number (Optional) The build number for which the result should be returned. If empty, the last build is used.
Username (Optional) The username that has permission to run the job.
Password (Optional) The password of the user with permission to run the job.

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Jenkins Submit Job step

Use this step to submit a Jenkins job with the provided parameters. The job can run in synchronous (waiting for job result) or asynchronous mode.

The following table describes the step's properties:

Property Description
Job name The name of the job to run.
Server Url The URL where Jenkins is installed, for example, http://host:8080/jenkins.
Parameters (Optional) Job parameters. Enter each parameter on a new line in the following format:

File Parameters (Optional) Files to use as job parameters. Enter each file parameter on a new line in the following format:

Username (Optional) The username that has permission to run the job.
Password (Optional) The password of the user with permission to run the job.
Wait for result (Optional) Use this option if the step should wait for the job results. By default, this option is selected.
Waiting timeout (Optional) The time in seconds that the step waits for a job completion message before failing. Empty or negative values mean infinite waiting.

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See also: