Flip File Endings Step

This step flips file line endings.

Note: This is an end of line conversion, such as from Windows (CR LF) to Unix (LF).

Required properties:

Property Name Description
Include Files

Specify a new-line-separated list of paths to the files to include.

Pattern Matching Rules:

* matches zero or more characters

? matches one character

** matches zero or more directories


*.java - matches .java, x.java, and FooBar.java

?.java - matches x.java, A.java

**/*.txt - matches all txt files recursively

**/CVS/* - matches all files in CVS directories anywhere in the directory tree

org/apache/jakarta/** - matches all files in the org/apache/jakarta directory tree

org/apache/**/CVS/* - matches all files in CVS directories anywhere in the in the directory tree under org/apache/

**/test/** - matches all files that have a test element in their path, including test as a filename

Optional properties:

Property Name Description
Exclude Files Specify a new-line-separated list of file/directory patterns to exclude. Pattern matching rules are the same as those listed in Include Files.
Ending The line ending type to use
Source File Encoding Specify the encoding of the source file. If not specified, the plugin attempts to automatically detect the file encoding. If the attempt fails, UTF-8 encoding is used by default.
Destination File Encoding Specify the encoding to use for the resulting file. If none, the plugin determines the encoding from the source file.