Add Data Source Step

This step stops JBoss in either Standalone or Domain mode.

Required properties:

Property Name Description
JBoss Path The path to the JBoss location
Add as XA Source Select to create this Data Source as an XA Data Source.
Data Source Name Name of the Data Source to be created
JNDI Name The JNDI name for the Data Source. This name must start with java:/ or java:jboss/.
Driver Name Name of the driver to be used for this connection.
Connection URL For use with non-XA Data Sources. The connection URL to the database to be used.
User Name The username for the database to be used.
Password The password for the database to be used.
Server Name Required for XA Data Sources. The name of the server for the XA Data Source.
Port Number Required for XA Data Sources. The port number of the server.
Database Name Required for XA Data Sources.

Optional properties:

Property Name Description
Add Enabled Select to enable on creation. Leave unselected to enable later.
Profile The profile to add the Data Source to.
Additional Properties Additional properties to pass to the command, new-line separated.
Controller Name The controller name of the JBoss instance to connect to.