Start JBoss Step
This step starts JBoss in either Standalone or Domain mode.
Required properties:
Property Name | Description |
JBoss Path | The path to the JBoss location. |
Operating Mode | Choose whether to start in Standalone or Domain mode. |
Server Start Wait Timeout | The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the server to start before declaring timeout. The default value is 10000. |
Host Name | The host name of the server to be started. |
Port Number | The port number of the server to be started. |
Optional properties:
Property Name | Description |
Server Configuration | Enter a file name to start the server according to a specific configuration. |
Host Configuration | Only applicable in Domain mode. Provide a file name to start the server with a specific configuration. |
Additional Properties | Additional properties to pass to the CLI, new-line separated. |
JAVA_HOME | The JDK or JRE to run JBoss. This JBoss version supports only Java 6 and 7! |
JAVA_OPTS | Specific options for the JVM to start with. |