List Applications on Targets Step

This step lists all application deployments for each target and sets as output properties.

Required properties:

Property Name Description
Admin URL The administration URL of the WebLogic server. The default value is ${p:resource/wldeploy.url}
Targets A comma-separated list of target servers for which to list application, for example, target1,target2. The default value is ${p:resource/wldeploy.targets}
User Name The username used to connect to WebLogic. The default value is ${p:resource/wldeploy.user}
Password The password used to connect to WebLogic. The default value is ${p:resource/wldeploy.password}

Optional properties:

Property Name Description
JMX Admin URL The JMX administration URL of the WebLogic server. This is used when starting, stopping, and checking status of targets. The default value is ${p:resource/wldeploy.jmxUrl}
Path to WLDeploy Ant Task Jar

The path to the WebLogic WLDeploy Ant Task Jar file or full client Jar file if intending to use start, stop, and check status of targets.

Additional System Props Specify any additional Java system properties to be added on the command line. Specify properties as a line-separated list in the format prop=value, which adds -Dprop=value onto the command line.