Configure agent connectivity status checks
This topic describes agent connectivity status checks and explains how to configure them to fine-tune your implementation.
Agent connectivity checks overview
Deployment Automation can periodically check agent connectivity to ensure that the true connectivity status is displayed in the user interface.
The following table describes the types of status checks:
Type | Description |
Agent-initiated |
Server-initiated |
User-initiated |
Configure an agent-initiated agent status check
Keepalive messages are enabled on agents by default. These messages are used by ActiveMQ to keep the connection between an agent and a server (or relay) open. You can configure a server to respond to those messages and update agent status accordingly.
Note: Status checks for agents connected through the agent relay work with Deployment Automation 6.2.2 or later. Versions earlier than 6.2.2 cannot pass agent keepalive information to the server and are ignored.
To configure an agent-initiated status check:
Navigate to the Common Tomcat da\WEB-INF\classes directory, for example:
C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\9.0\webapps\da\WEB-INF\classes - Open the web application's da_config.xml file. This file contains your current agent status check settings.
Copy the <agentStatusTracker> section from the da_config.xml file.
For example:
Copy code<agentStatusTracker>
</agentStatusTracker> -
Navigate to the DA user profile directory where the DA server configuration is stored, for example:
C:\Users\<username>\.microfocus\da\conf\server -
Open the da_config.xml file in the DA user profile and paste the copied <agentStatusTracker> section there.
Note: Deployment Automation contains two da_config.xml files, one in the web application and one in the DA user profile. After each server upgrade, the web application's da_config.xml settings are restored to default. To make your modifications permanent, save them in the da_config.xml file located in the DA user profile directory.
In the <agentStatusTracker> section, modify the settings as needed:
Setting Description enabled Turns the agent status tracker on or off.
The default value is true.
verificationPeriodInSec Specifies how often to initiate scheduled agent status verifications (in seconds).
The default value is 60.
bringingOnlineTimeoutInSec Specifies the timeout period (in seconds) to upgrade an agent. If any of the upgrade steps time out, the server either takes the agent offline or returns it online, based on recent keepalive messages. The timeout restarts for every step of the upgrade, such as downloading the new JRE, restarting the agent, removing the old JRE, and collecting the logs.
The default value is 150.
busyWhenQueueSizeIsHigherThan Specifies the maximum average number of agents in a connection queue. If a server has more connected agents than specified, agent status checks do not run until the average number goes below the specified value.
The default value is 20.
busyCountPeriodInMs Specifies the number of milliseconds for the time period when the average is calculated for <busyWhenQueueSizeIsHigherThan>.
The default value is 2500.
runningUpgradeTimeoutInSec Specifies the timeout period (in seconds) to upgrade an agent. If any of the upgrade steps time out, the server takes the agent offline, or returns it online based on recent keepalive messages. The timeout restarts for every step of the upgrade, such as downloading the new JRE, restarting the agent, removing the old JRE, and collecting the logs.
The default value is 180.
- Save your changes.
- Restart Common Tomcat.
Note: Agent status checks do not run when an agent actor manager or the system is busy. For details, see Configure server settings.
Configure a server-initiated agent status check
To enable an agent status check initiated by a server, modify the <keepAliveRollCallConfig> section of the da_config.xml file.
To configure a server-initiated agent status check:
Navigate to the Common Tomcat da\WEB-INF\classes directory, for example:
C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\9.0\webapps\da\WEB-INF\classes - Open the web application's da_config.xml file. This file contains your current agent status check settings.
Copy the <keepAliveRollCallConfig> section from the da_config.xml file.
For example:
Copy code<keepAliveRollCallConfig>
</keepAliveRollCallConfig> -
Navigate to the DA user profile directory where the DA server configuration is stored. for example:
C:\Users\<username>\.microfocus\da\conf\server -
Open the da_config.xml file in the DA user profile and paste the copied <keepAliveRollCallConfig> section there.
Note: Deployment Automation contains two da_config.xml files, one in the web application and one in the DA user profile. After each server upgrade, the web application's da_config.xml settings are restored to default. To make your modifications permanent, save them in the da_config.xml file located in the DA user profile directory.
In the <keepAliveRollCallConfig> section, modify the following settings as needed:
Setting Description enabled
Turns on or off the scheduled run of keepalive roll calls.
The default value is false.
Specifies the keepalive roll call polling period (in minutes), which is the time wait before performing the next keepalive roll call verification.
The default value is 1.
Specifies how often to initiate scheduled keepalive roll calls (in minutes).
The default value is 10.
Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for responses to the roll call.
The default value is 20.
Turns on or off the scheduled run of cleanup for keepalive roll calls.
The default value is true.
The hour to run the cleanup for keepalive roll calls.
The default value is 1.
The number of days to keep roll call requests and corresponding responses.
The default value is 15.
- Save your changes.
- Restart Common Tomcat.
Configure a user-initiated agent status check
To enable an agent status check initiated by a user, modify the <connectivityTestConfig> section of the da_config.xml file.
To configure a user-initiated agent status check:
Navigate to the Common Tomcat da\WEB-INF\classes directory, for example:
C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\9.0\webapps\da\WEB-INF\classes - Open the web application's da_config.xml file. This file contains your current agent status check settings.
Copy the <connectivityTestConfig> section from the da_config.xml file:
Copy code<connectivityTestConfig>
</connectivityTestConfig> -
Navigate to the DA user profile directory where the DA server configuration is stored, for example:
C:\Users\<username>\.microfocus\da\conf\server -
Open the da_config.xml file in the DA user profile and paste the copied <connectivityTestConfig> section there.
Note: Deployment Automation contains two da_config.xml files, one in the web application and one in the DA user profile. After each server upgrade, the web application's da_config.xml settings are restored to default. To make your modifications permanent, save them in the da_config.xml file located in the DA user profile directory.
In the <connectivityTestConfig> section, modify the following settings as needed:
Setting Description firstLevelTestTimeoutInSeconds
Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for a response to the first level (JMS) connection status request.
The default value is 10.
Specifies the time in seconds to wait for a response to the second level (JMS to HTTP) connection status request.
The default value is 60.
- Save your changes.
- Restart Common Tomcat.
See also: