Configure auto select for export

You can modify the default setting that controls the environment selection for the replication export.

About auto select for export

When you create or edit an environment, you specify the Auto-Select for Export option, which adds the environment to the list of environments to export in the replication export wizard.

By default, the Auto-Select for Export option is selected. For the option to be cleared by default, modify your server settings.

The Auto-Select for Export option can be selected or cleared in the environment details regardless of the setting of this flag. This simply controls the default setting. For details, see Create environments.

Tip: If you export most or all the environments during replication export, leave this flag set to true to make the selection faster when you go through the replication export wizard. To export only a few environments with any extra choices being explicitly added to the selection list in the export wizard, set this flag to false. For example, to select only preproduction and production environments for replication, it may be better to set this to false.

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Modify auto select for export

To change the Auto-Select for Export setting, modify the <importExportConfig> section of the da_config.xml file.

To configure the default setting of the Auto-Select for Export option:

  1. Navigate to the Common Tomcat da\WEB-INF\classes directory, for example:

    C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\9.0\webapps\da\WEB-INF\classes
  2. Open the web application's da_config.xml file. This file contains your current import and export settings.

  3. Copy the <importExportConfig> section from the da_config.xml file.

    For example:

    Copy code
       <envAuto-select for ExportFlagDefValue>true</envAuto-select for ExportFlagDefValue>
  4. Navigate to the DA user profile directory where the DA server configuration is stored, for example:

  5. Open the da_config.xml file in the user profile directory and paste the copied <importExportConfig> section there.

    Note: Deployment Automation contains two da_config.xml files, one in the web application and one in the DA user profile. After each server upgrade, the web application's da_config.xml settings are restored to default. To make your modifications permanent, save them in the da_config.xml file located in the DA user profile directory.

  6. In the <importExportConfig> section, set the environment export flag value, <envAuto-select for ExportFlagDefValue>, to false.

  7. Save your changes.

  8. Restart Common Tomcat.

    The Auto-Select for Export option for environments is now cleared by default.

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See also: