Configure LDAP authentication
This topic explains how to configure your implementation to use LDAP authentication.
Import LDAP users
You can import users from existing LDAP systems into DA-managed authentication realms.
Valid LDAP users can log in, but they have no permissions unless they are part of an LDAP authorization realm (group). To provide permissions, import the LDAP users and define their permissions before they log in.
To import LDAP users:
Navigate to Administration > Security.
Select the Authentication (Users) tab.
In the side menu, select an LDAP realm, and then click Import User.
Enter the name of the user.
If you enter a search filter in the Username field, enclose the filter in parentheses.
- Click Import.
Limit LDAP users by group
To limit the LDAP authentication realm users by a specific group, you must use the LDAP filter.
To limit LDAP users by group:
Navigate to Administration > Security.
Select the Authentication (Users) tab.
Create or edit an LDAP authentication realm. For details, see Add an LDAP authentication realm.
In the Create Authentication Realm dialog box, in the User Search Filter field, specify the name of the group you want to use as a restriction, for example:
(&(memberOf=CN=automation,OU=LDAPTest Groups,DC=ldaptest,DC=net)(sAMAccountName={0}))
In this example, the first condition,
(memberOf=CN=automation,OU=LDAPTest Groups,DC=ldaptest,DC=net)
,limits the LDAP authentication realm to the users of the automation group.
See also: