Configure mutual authentication for server and agent
Prerequisites: Add an alias to an agent
This topic describes how to finish setting up mutual authentication between a server and agent.
To exchange certificates between a server and agent:
- Stop the Deployment Automation server and agent.
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the conf directory on your server: <da_profile_directory>\conf.
Export the server key as a certificate by running this command:
keytool -export -keystore server.keystore -storepass changeit -alias server -file server.crt
Note: The alias server for generating certificate keys is assigned during server installation.
Copy the exported certificate file server.crt to the agent directory:
where<agent_name> is the unique name you gave the agent during installation.
From the agent directory <agent_install_directory>\<agent_name>\conf, import server.crt by running this command:
keytool -import -keystore agent.keystore -storepass changeit -alias server -file server.crt -keypass changeit -noprompt
A message Certificate was added to keystore is displayed.
From the agent directory <agent_install_directory>\<agent_name>\conf, export the agent key as a certificate by running this command:
keytool -export -keystore agent.keystore -storepass changeit -alias <agent_alias> -file <agent_name>.crt
The certificate is stored in the <agent_name>.crt file.
Note: Before you export an agent key, you must add an alias to the agent. For details, see Add an alias to an agent. After generating a new key pair, make sure to remove the default key from keystore.
Copy the exported certificate file <agent_name>.crt to your server's conf directory.
From the server's conf directory, import the <agent_name>.crt file by running this command:
keytool -import -keystore server.keystore -storepass changeit -alias <agent_alias> -file <agent_name>.crt -keypass changeit -noprompt
A message Certificate was added to keystore is displayed.
To configure another agent, repeat steps 6–8.
- Start the server and agent.
Next steps: