Delete or inactivate component versions
You can manually delete or deactivate component versions you no longer need. Unlike deleted component versions, inactive versions remain in the repository but cannot be deployed.
To automatically delete versions on a schedule, see Component version cleanup.
Delete a component version
When you delete a version, it is permanently removed from Deployment Automation. The associated version metadata is removed from the repository, while original artifacts remain unaffected.
To delete a component version:
Navigate to Management > Components > [select component].
Select the Versions tab.
In the versions list, click the Delete icon next to the version you want to delete.
Click Yes to confirm your action.
Inactivate a component version
Inactivating a version doesn't remove it from Deployment Automation. After you inactivate a version, you can no longer deploy it.
To inactivate a component version:
Navigate to Management > Components > [select component].
Select the Versions tab.
In the versions list, click the Inactivate icon next to the version you want to inactivate.
Note: You cannot inactivate a version if it is used in a snapshot.
Click Yes to confirm your action. The version is removed from the list of active versions.
To make an inactive version active, click the Show Inactive button. Then, in the list of versions, click the Activate icon next to the version you want to activate.
See also: