Install agent relays with the interactive installer

You can install an agent relay by running the Deployment Automation interactive installer from a command prompt.

UNIX: UNIX installers are 32-bit applications, and 64-bit systems may not support them by default. Before running the installer on a 64-bit Linux system, ensure that you have Motif installed (usually available by default).

To install an agent relay using the interactive installer:

  1. Download and extract the agent relay installation files from the Software Licensing and Downloads portal (requires login).

  2. Ensure that the system environment variable JAVA_HOME is set to the correct path for the Java files, for example:

    JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\jre\<version>

  3. Ensure that the system environment variable PATH is set to the correct path for the Java executable, for example:

    PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\jre\<version>\bin

  4. Open a command prompt and from the expanded <relay-install-directory>, run the installation script:


    Run this script:



    Run this script:

  5. Specify the options for installing the agent relay. For details, see Agent relay installation options.

    To accept the default values suggested by the installer, press Enter. If two options are given, such as Y/n, the capitalized option is the default value.

Next step: After you complete the agent relay installation, continue to Install agents.

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