Install server in silent mode on Windows

This topic provides instructions for installing Deployment Automation in silent mode on Windows, and contains examples of configured options for different database types.

Install server in silent mode

Silent mode enables you to automate the installation.

You can also install a Deployment Automation server using the interactive installer. For details, see Run the interactive server installer.

To install a server in silent mode on Windows:

  1. Download the server installer for Windows from the Software Licensing and Downloads portal (requires login).

  2. Unpack the server installer zip bundle.

    The bundle includes the self-extracting executable file MicrofocusDA-Server64-bundle.exe containing the server and the Common Tools installers.

  3. Run the executable to extract the following installers:

    • Server installer MicroFocusDA-Server64-installer.exe

    • Common Tools installer setupOpenTextCommonTools_win64.exe, extracted into the common directory.

  4. Create an options file and save it as C:/optionsFile.txt. For details, see Server silent installation options.

  5. As a local system user, issue this command:

    cmd /c MicroFocusDA-Server64-installer.exe /s /V"/qn /L*vx "%TEMP%\silent-install.log" PROPFILE=\"c:\optionsFile.txt\" "


    • "%TEMP%\silent-install.log" is an absolute path to a log file.

    • PROPFILE=\"c:\optionsFile.txt\" is an absolute path to the options file you created in step 2.

    • The space between the final two quotes is required.

After you install your server, continue with the next steps in the Installation checklist.

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Server silent installation options

The following table describes the server silent installation options in an optionsFile.txt file for Windows.

Option Default / if not specified Description
AgreeToLicense No Must be set to Yes.

Set to UseExisting if you want to skip the database installation and administration part of the installation.

Note: Use only if there are existing DA settings populated in the directory specified by the SRA_USER_INSTALLDIR option.

SRA_USER_INSTALLDIR c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.microfocus\da Directory in which to install the server, or, if using the USE_EXISTING_SETTINGS= UseExisting option, the directory where your DA settings already exist.

To skip the database creation, include and set this option: SKIP_DB=SkipDB

Note: To use this option, make sure that the SRA_USER_INSTALLDIR option does not exist.

AGENT_MUTUAL_AUTH N For agent mutual authentication, set this option to Y. For details, see Configure SSL mutual authentication.
JMS_PORT 7918 Server port.
DB_TYPE derby Use this to specify a database vendor other than the default: oracle, sqlserver, or postgresql.
<DB>_USER da Database user ID, where <DB> is DERBY, ORA, SQLSVR, or PSQL.
<DB>_PASSWORD password Password for the database user ID, where <DB> is DERBY, ORA, SQLSVR, or PSQL.
ORA_DB_SCHEMA   (Required for Oracle) The database schema.
DERBY_PORT   (Required for Derby) This option specifies the Derby port, 11377.
<DB>_DB_CONN   (Required for databases other than Derby) The database connection, where <DB> is ORA, SQLSVR, or PSQL.
IS_INSTALL_MODE   (Required) Set the installation mode to silent.

Required installation owner's administrator username.

Caution: After creating it, you cannot remove the built-in administrative user through the user interface. Therefore, we recommend using your organization's naming standards.

SRA_ADMIN_PWD   Required user-defined password for the username set by the SRA_ADMIN option.
TC_PORT 8080 Common Tomcat port, required only for new installations.

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Options file examples

Use the following examples of the optionsFile.txt settings for each database type on Windows.

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See also: