Modify the default approval waiting period
You can change the default approval waiting period in your server configuration.
When you choose to close pending approval requests, only the requests older than the approval waiting period are closed. By default, the waiting period is set to 30 days.
To modify the default setting, edit the approvals configuration in the server's da_config.xml file.
For details about closing pending requests, see Approve requests.
To modify the default approval waiting period:
Navigate to the Common Tomcat da\WEB-INF\classes directory, for example:
C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\9.0\webapps\da\WEB-INF\classes - Open the web application's da_config.xml file. This file contains your current approvals configuration settings.
Copy the <approvalsConfig> section from the da_config.xml file.
For example:
Copy code<approvalsConfig>
</approvalsConfig> -
Navigate to the DA user profile directory where the DA server configuration is stored, for example:
C:\Users\<username>\.microfocus\da\conf\server -
Open the da_config.xml file in the DA user profile and paste the copied <approvalsConfig> section there.
Note: Deployment Automation contains two da_config.xml files, one in the web application and one in the DA user profile. After each server upgrade, the web application's da_config.xml settings are restored to default. To make your modifications permanent, save them in the da_config.xml file located in the DA user profile directory.
In the <approvalsConfig> section, change the <pendingApprovalRequestClosePeriodInDays> value to a new number of days. By default, the value is set to 20 days.
- Save your changes.
- Restart Common Tomcat.
When you decide to close pending approvals in the Deployment Automation user interface, the system displays the updated approval waiting period by default.
See also: