Resource roles
This topic provides instructions on creating resource roles, assigning them to resources, and adding properties to them. Roles enable you to further refine how to use resources, and they are similar to subresources.
Create resource roles
During deployment, resource roles enable you to limit activities to resources that play a certain role in your network configuration or application deployment strategy.
To create a resource role:
Navigate to Management > Resources > Roles.
Click Create. The Create Resource Role dialog box opens.
Specify the following details for the role:
Field Description Name Enter a name for the resource role. Description (Optional) Enter additional information about the resource role. Color Select a color to visually identify the resource role in the user interface. -
Click Save.
You can now assign this resource role to a resource.
Add resource roles to resources
During process configuration, you set a specific role when determining the resource. You can use roles to set up Deployment Automation for rolling deployments, balancing, and other similar operations.
Example: Here's an example of the process you could set up:
- First, perform a partial deployment to only some of the target machines.
- Next, require a manual task for the first role to run after testing the partial deployment.
- Finally, after the manual task is completed, assign the rest of the process to a second role who is responsible for deploying to the rest of the target machines.
After you create a resource role, you can add it to resources.
To add a resource role to a resource:
Navigate to Management > Resources > [select resource].
Select the Roles tab.
Click Add Resource Roles.
- In the Add Resource Roles dialog box, select one or more resource roles and click Add.
Add resource role properties
You can add properties that may have values specific to the resource role.
To define a property for a resource role:
Navigate to Management > Resources > Roles.
Select a resource role for which you want to define a property.
Select the Properties tab.
Click Add Property.
In the Add Property dialog box, specify the following information:
Field Description Name Enter a name for the property. Description (Optional) Enter a description for the property. Label (Optional) Enter a label to be associated with the property in the user interface. Required Select this option if the property is required. Type Select the type of expected value from the following options:
- Text. Enables you to enter text characters. This is the default type.
- Text area. Enables you to enter an amount of text.
- Check box. Displays the check box. If selected, a value of true is used. Otherwise, the property is not set.
- Select. Requires one or more values to be selected from the list. Enables a single selection.
- Multi select. Requires one or more values to be selected from the list. Enables multiple selections.
- Secure. Used for passwords. It is similar to Text, except the values are displayed obscured.
Default Value (Optional) Enter a default value, if any. -
Click Save.
To add another property, click Save and New.
You can now use the resource role property in a process. Reference properties in process steps using the following syntax:
${p:resource/<resource role>/<property
Example: For a resource role named WS and a property named serverURL, access the property value from a process step as follows:
See also: