Artifactory SCT

You can use JFrog Artifactory with artifacts stored in folders or with Maven or NuGet as an artifact source.

Note: To get versions from a virtual Artifactory repository, use the Download Artifacts step of the DA VFS plugin. You can download only the versions created with DA 6.3.3 and later.

Artifactory — Folder Based

To download files from Artifactory directories, provide the properties for the Artifactory — Folder Based source configuration type when you create a component.

For details about creating components, see Create components.

To view properties and usage for the Artifactory source configuration type, navigate to Automation > Source Config Types and select the type from the list.

Before you can use the Artifactory — Folder Based type:

  1. On the Artifactory server, navigate to Admin > General Configuration > Folder Download Settings.
  2. Select Enable Folder Download.

Artifactory — Folder Based properties

In Deployment Automation, specify the following properties for Artifactory with artifacts stored in folders as an artifact source.

Property Description
Server URL The base URL for the Artifactory server, for example:
Username The username for accessing the Artifactory server.
Password The password for accessing the Artifactory server.
Repository The repository name.
Module The module path to the artifacts in a specified repository.
Latest Artifact Count The maximum number of latest artifact versions to be imported.
Version Name Pattern (Optional) If specified, only versions with names matching this regular expression are imported.
Preserve Execute Permissions (Optional) If selected, file execute permissions are saved with the files.
Import versions automatically

(Optional) Select this option to set periodic imports and enable Deployment Automation to automatically poll for new versions based on the Quiet Period and Polling Period:

  • Quiet Period. Indicates the time, in minutes, during which there's no polling. The Quiet Period starts after the last polling period that detected changes. Leave the field empty if you don't want to set the quiet period.

  • Polling Period. Indicates the time between polls, in seconds. Default: 15 seconds. Leave the field empty to use the default polling period.

    Tip: To change the default polling period, navigate to Administration > System > System Settings and modify the Automatic Version Import Check Period (seconds).

For example, with Quiet Period set to 60 and Polling Period set to 300, Deployment Automation polls for new versions every 300 seconds. After detecting and importing changes, the server pauses polling for 60 minutes.

By default, the automatic import is disabled, and you need to manually import versions. For details, see Import versions manually.

Copy to CodeStation

(Optional) Use this option to create a tamper-proof copy of the artifacts and store them in the DA's embedded repository, CodeStation.

For optimal use of Deployment Automation, we recommend that this option is selected.

Clear the option to save pointers to versions rather than the versions themselves. This way, you can track versions and save space on your Deployment Automation server, but this limits your ability to download individual versions.

For details on maintaining versions in external sources, see CodeStation: maintain versions externally.

Use Latest Component Properties for Version Download

(Optional) When the component version artifacts are downloaded, the system uses component properties set for the component at download time rather than those set at the time of version creation.

Regardless of whether this option is selected, component version properties remain as they are when the version is created.

HTTP Proxy Port Port for connecting to the HTTP proxy server. If left blank, no proxy server is used.
HTTP Proxy Host Host name or IP address of the HTTP proxy server. If left blank, no proxy server is used.

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Artifactory — Maven / NuGet

To download artifacts from Artifactory local or virtual repositories, provide the properties for the Artifactory — Maven / NuGet source configuration type when you create a component.

For details about creating components, see Create components.

To view properties and usage for the Artifactory source configuration type, navigate to Automation > Source Config Types and select the type from the list.

Note: We recommend that you work with Artifactory local repositories through the DA VFS plugin instead of the JFrog Artifactory plugin.

The following table describes the properties for Artifactory with Maven or NuGet as an artifact source.

Property Description
Server URL The base URL for the Artifactory server, for example:
Username The username for accessing the Artifactory server.
Password The password for accessing the Artifactory server.
Repository The name of Maven or NuGet repository.
Package Type

Select the type of package to be used as the repository, Maven or NuGet.

HTTP Proxy Port Port for connecting to the HTTP proxy server. If left blank, no proxy server is used.
HTTP Proxy Host Host name or IP address of the HTTP Proxy server. If left blank, no proxy server is used.

Group ID

Maven: Enter the group ID of the artifact, such as com.mycompany or com/mycompany.

Group ID is the <groupid> parameter in the Maven dependency within the Artifactory artifact.

NuGet: Leave this field blank.

Artifact ID or

Enter the name of the artifact to be imported.

Maven: Enter the artifact ID, such as mypackage-test.

Artifact ID is the <artifactid> parameter in the Maven dependency within the Artifactory artifact.

NuGet: Enter the value of the artifact property, such as EntityFramework.

File Name Pattern (Optional) If specified, only files with names matching this regular expression are imported.
Latest Artifact Count The maximum number of latest artifact versions to be imported.
Version Name Pattern (Optional) If specified, only versions with names matching this regular expression are imported. For a snapshot repository, specify the snapshot version, for example, 1.0-SNAPSHOT.
Preserve Execute Permissions (Optional) If selected, file execute permissions are saved with the files.
Import versions automatically

(Optional) Select this option to set periodic imports and enable Deployment Automation to automatically poll for new versions based on the Quiet Period and Polling Period:

  • Quiet Period. Indicates the time, in minutes, during which there's no polling. The Quiet Period starts after the last polling period that detected changes. Leave the field empty if you don't want to set the quiet period.

  • Polling Period. Indicates the time between polls, in seconds. Default: 15 seconds. Leave the field empty to use the default polling period.

    Tip: To change the default polling period, navigate to Administration > System > System Settings and modify the Automatic Version Import Check Period (seconds).

For example, with Quiet Period set to 60 and Polling Period set to 300, Deployment Automation polls for new versions every 300 seconds. After detecting and importing changes, the server pauses polling for 60 minutes.

By default, the automatic import is disabled, and you need to manually import versions. For details, see Import versions manually.

Copy to CodeStation

(Optional) Use this option to create a tamper-proof copy of the artifacts and store them in the DA's embedded repository, CodeStation.

For optimal use of Deployment Automation, we recommend that this option is selected.

Clear the option to save pointers to versions rather than the versions themselves. This way, you can track versions and save space on your Deployment Automation server, but this limits your ability to download individual versions.

For details on maintaining versions in external sources, see CodeStation: maintain versions externally.

Use Latest Component Properties for Version Download

(Optional) When the component version artifacts are downloaded, the component properties set for the component at download time are used rather than the properties set at the time of version creation.

Regardless of whether this option is selected, component version properties remain as they are when the version is created.

Caution: To use this option for a repository which you have already downloaded from, make sure that the following settings remain unchanged, as the option doesn't work otherwise:

  • Repository

  • Group ID (Maven only)

  • Artifact ID or

Note: To use Apache Maven without Artifactory as your source configuration type, see Maven SCT.

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See also: