Inventory management
Use the Deployment Automation inventory management features to track components, snapshots, and configurations deployed to a resource.
Only the latest process request is added to the inventory, rewriting all previous ones. Operational process types are not added to the inventory.
You can view inventory information on Inventory tabs in several places in the user interface, including the following:
- The Deployment section.
- A selected component: shows applications and resources with that component.
- A selected resource: shows the current inventory of component versions for that resource and the configuration inventory, which includes properties for all levels for that resource.
- An application environment's details: shows component version inventory within each resource for that environment; you can toggle the view to see versions by component or by resource.
- A selected environment: shows component version inventory for each application environment based on this environment; you can click the link in the Environment column of an inventory item to go to the application environment view.
Inventory statuses can be used to associate more meaningful information with the component versions displayed in the resource inventory.
To compare the inventory of two environments, see Compare environments.
For more information about inventory management, see the following topics: