Apache HTTP Server plugin

Apache HTTP Server is a public domain open source web server for UNIX and Windows NT operating systems.

To use the plugin's steps, open the process designer and navigate to Application Server > Apache in the Tools pane.

This plugin has the following steps to add to processes:

Apache Start Step

Starts Apache HTTP server.

Required properties: None

Optional properties:

  • apachectl executable path. (UNIX systems only) The full path (including the executable) to the apachectl script, if not on the path.

  • Windows Service name. (Windows only) The name of the Windows server used to control the Apache HTTP server.

Apache Stop Step

Stops Apache HTTP server.

Required properties: None

Optional properties:

  • apachectl executable path. (UNIX only) The full path (including the executable) to the apachectl script, if not on the path.

  • Windows Service name. (Windows only) The name of the Windows server used to control the Apache HTTP server.

See also: