DA Application plugin

The DA Application plugin enables you to create and manage Deployment Automation applications.

To use the plugin's steps, open the process designer and navigate to DA > Applications in the Tools pane.

Create Application step

Use this step to create a Deployment Automation application.

The following table describes the step's properties:

Property Description
Application Name The name of the new application.
Application Description (Optional) A description of the new application.
Default Notification Scheme (Optional) The notification scheme for this application. Leave it empty if you want to select none.
Require versions for snapshot components (Optional) Select this option to only run application processes with snapshots if all the necessary snapshot components have versions.
If the application process includes component processes that require versions, and the snapshot does not have these versions, the system displays an error when you try to run the process.

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Create Application Process step

Use this step to create a Deployment Automation application process.

The following table describes the step's properties:

Property Description
JSON body JSON request body that represents the process to be created.

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Add Component to Application step

Use this step to add a component to a Deployment Automation application.

The following table describes the step's required properties:

Property Description
Application Name The name of the application.
Component Name The name of the component.

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Create Application Property step

Use this step to create a property for an application or update an existing property.

The following table describes the step's properties:

Property Description
Application Name or ID of the application to which the environment belongs.
Property Name Name of the property to set.
Property Value (Optional) Value of the property to set.
Secure? (Optional) Select this option if the property should be secure.

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Create Application Role step

Use this step to create a new role for applications.

The following table describes the step's required properties:

Property Description
Role Name The name of the new application role.

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Run Application Process step

Use this step to run an application process.

The following table describes the step's properties:

Property Description
Application Name The name of the application.
Application Process Name The name of the process to run.
Environment Name The environment on which to run the process.
Snapshot Name (Optional) If you are using a snapshot, enter its name here.
Only Changed Versions (Optional) Select this option if you want to install only changed versions.
Component Versions (Optional) If you are not using a snapshot, specify component versions here.

Enter each component-version pair on a separate line. Separate each component and version number with a colon, for example: My Component:2.5
Application Process Request Properties (Optional) Properties to pass to the application process request.
Wait For Application Process To Finish (Optional) Select this option if you want this step to wait until the application process finishes. If selected, the result of this step reflects the result of the application process (success or failure).

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Check if Application Exists step

This step succeeds if the application exists, and fails if it does not.

The following table describes the step's required properties:

Property  Description
Application The name of the application.

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Add User to Role step

Use this step to add a user to a role for an application.

The following table describes the step's required properties:

Property Description
User The ID of the user.
Role The name of the role.
Application The name of the application.

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Add Group to Role step

Use this step to add a group to a role for an application.

The following table describes the step's required properties:

Property Description
Group The name of the group.
Role Name The name of the role.
Application Name The name of the application.

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See also: