DA Component plugin

The DA Component plugin enables you to create and manage Deployment Automation components.

To use the plugin's steps, open the process designer and navigate to DA > Components in the Tools pane.

Create Component step

Use this step to create a Deployment Automation component.

The following table describes the step's properties:

Property Description
Component Name The name of the new component.
Source Config Type The source configuration plugin for the component. This property enables you select a source from which to load artifacts. For details, see Use source configuration types.
Default Version Type The types of versions to create automatically upon import.
Component Description (Optional) A description of the new component.
Template Name (Optional) If this component uses a template, enter its name here.
Template Version (Optional) If this component uses a template version, enter the version number here.
Import Versions Automatically (Optional) Select this property to import versions automatically.
Copy To CodeStation (Optional) If selected, artifacts are copied from the source to the server's CodeStation repository.
Source Config Properties (Optional) Specify properties to pass in for the source configuration plugin. Enter one property per line in the following format: name=value.

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Create Component Property step

Use this step to create a component property or update an existing one.

The following table describes the step's properties:

Property Description
Component Name The name of the new component.
Property Name The name of the property to set.
Property Value (Optional) The value of the property to set.
Secure? (Optional) Select this option if the property should be secure.

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Create Component Role step

Use this step to create a new component role.

The following table describes the step's required properties:

Property Description
Role Name The name of the new component role.

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Add User to Role for Component step

Use this step to add a user to a component role for a specified component.

The following table describes the step's required properties:

Property Description
User The name of the user to be added to the role.
Role The name of the component role.
Component The name of the component.

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Add Group to Role for Component step

Use this step to add a group to a component role for a specified component.

The following table describes the step's required properties:

Property Description
Group The name of the group to be added to the role.
Role The name of the component role.
Component The name of the component.

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Check if Component Exists step

This step succeeds if the component exists, and fails if it does not.

The following table describes the step's required properties:

Property Description
Component The name of the component.

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See also: