Add Comments Step

This step adds comments to a defect in Quality Center.

Required properties:

Property Name Description
Server URL The base URL of the Quality Center instance. In usually ends with /qcbin.
Username The username to authenticate with Quality Center.
Domain The domain for the defect in Quality Center
Project The project for the defect in Quality Center.
Defect IDs Comma-separated list of defect IDs to update.
Fail Mode The action that should be taken when a defect to be updated is not found in Quality Center. Select one of the following values:
  • Fail-fast: Fail the step immediately if a defect is not found.
  • Fail: Fail the step after attempting to update all defects.
  • Warn: Log a warning when a defect is not found.

Optional properties:

Property Name Description
Password The password to authenticate with Quality Center.
Password Script If a property or script is used to obtain the password, enter it here and leave the password property empty.
Additional Comments Additional information you can add to the Quality Center comment along with the commit comment.