Create Issue Step

This step creates a new defect in Quality Center.

Required properties:

Property Name Description
Server URL The base URL of the Quality Center instance. In usually ends with /qcbin.
Username The username to authenticate with Quality Center.
Domain The domain for the defect in Quality Center
Project The project for the defect in Quality Center.
Project Key The project key in Quality Center.
Assignee The user the new defect is assigned to.
Summary A summary for the new defect. By default, the max length is 255.
Detected By The person who found the defect.
Detected On Date The date the defect was detected. This is supplied using the format MM/DD/YYYY.
Detected In Version The version in which the defect was detected.
Reproducible Whether the defect is reproducible or not (Y/N).
Subject The subject of the defect.
Severity The severity of the new defect. The default values are: 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High, 4-Very High, and 5-Urgent.

Optional properties:

Property Name Description
Password The password to authenticate with Quality Center.
Password Script If a property or script is used to obtain the password, enter it here and leave the password property empty.
Priority The priority of the new defect. The default values are: 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High, 4-Very High, and 5-Urgent.
Status The status of the new defect. The default values are: Closed, Fixed, New, Open, Rejected and Reopen. The default value is New.
Additional Fields Additional defect fields to add. This is provided as a newline-separated list in the form name=value. Uses Java’s java.util.Properties format.