Publish Issue Report Step

This step creates a report of Quality Center defects from a list of defect IDs.

Required properties:

Property Name Description
Server URL The base URL of the Quality Center instance. In usually ends with /qcbin.
Username The username to authenticate with Quality Center.
Domain The domain for the defect in Quality Center
Project The project for the defect in Quality Center.
Defect IDs Comma-separated list of defect IDs to update.
Output File The output file for results.
Fail Mode The action that should be taken when a defect to be updated is not found in Quality Center. Select one of the following values:
  • Fail-fast: Fail the step immediately if a defect is not found.
  • Fail: Fail the step after attempting to update all defects.
  • Warn: Log a warning when a defect is not found.

Optional properties:

Property Name Description
Password The password to authenticate with Quality Center.
Password Script If a property or script is used to obtain the password, enter it here and leave the password property empty.